Thursday, September 14, 2006

Chapter 01 Daring To Know

Hello world, it is me again, taking u now into the second chapter of MB.
I lived here long ago as King David, and loved Jehovah as some call
'Him', more than life itself. I am not sure whether I will be forgiven
for saying all that I will say today, but my spirit as mortals term the
word, is unable to resist the temptation. First, what u all believe to
be independent people with independent thought, is the biggest joke
since Adam's APPLE being stuck in all of the throats of the human race.
The thyroid gland can indeed be used by all the gods as sort of a
'punnishment collar', just as suggested by the great and late Mr. Gene
Roddenbery of Star Trek. I should know, as goddess Diana Arteemus,
daughter of Zues Ressikahn Zudlow, and cousin of the great Sarah-Stacey
Jehovah Karge Krassle, has been using one on poor ol lil me since 10:30
PM on the night of June 4th of 1983. If I do not do what my 2 lightning
goddesses tell me to do, I am not only punished in human ways on this
human realm or plane, but far worse and stranger nightmares occur on
dream or astral realms, and even beyond into infathomability by
homosapiens of this darling little planet. You could never know the
wrath of these powerful beings until you are able to remember in
consciousness, just how mighty they are, and what they can do to you. I
could tell things to this world that no one would ever choose to accept
nor believe. To list a very few of them, on risk of punitation that goes
far beyond your concept of death and destruction, first and foremost,
weather on this Earth has not been natually occuring on any real level
since the end of 1987. All formation of clouds is made from jet trails
that some consperacy theoriests call KEMTRAILS. These deadly vapor
trails are not what they were before the mid 1980's, when they were
ligitimate propane fumes resulting from jet aircrafts flying from city
to city. They quickly evaporated, dispersed into invisibility, and were
gone. Now, and for 2 decades now, they turn into big wide creepy looking
smokey vapors, and eventually, if you have patience to watch this
horror, you will observe that a clear blue sky will go from beautiful to
nothing more than an entire grey and ugly mess, hense, changing the
entire weather pattern over an entire area, area after area, until
eventually, these clouds chicken and turn darker. From this rain will
fall, and storms and patterns of numerous Hello world, it is me again,
taking u now into the second chapter of MB. I lived here long ago as
King David, and loved Jehovah as some call 'Him', more than life itself.
I am not sure whether I will be forgiven for saying all that I will say
today, but my spirit as mortals term the word, is unable to resist the
temptation. First, what u all believe to be independent people with
independent thought, is the biggest joke since Adam's APPLE being stuck
in all of the throats of the human race. The thyroid gland can indeed be
used by all the gods as sort of a 'punnishment collar', just as
suggested by the great and late Mr. Gene Roddenbery of Star Trek. I
should know, as goddess Diana Arteemus, daughter of Zues Ressikahn
Zudlow, and cousin of the great Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, has
been using one on poor ol lil me since 10:30 PM on the night of June 4th
of 1983. If I do not do what my 2 lightning goddesses tell me to do, I
am not only punished in human ways on this human realm or plane, but far
worse and stranger nightmares occur on dream or astral realms, and even
beyond into infathomability by homosapiens of this darling little
planet. You could never know the wrath of these powerful beings until
you are able to remember in consciousness, just how mighty they are, and
what they can do to you. I could tell things to this world that no one
would ever choose to accept nor believe. To list a very few of them, on
risk of punitation that goes far beyond your concept of death and
destruction, first and foremost, weather on this Earth has not been
natually occuring on any real level since the end of 1987. All formation
of clouds is made from jet trails that some consperacy theoriests call
KEMTRAILS. These deadly vapor trails are not what they were before the
mid 1980's, when they were ligitimate propane fumes resulting from jet
aircrafts flying from city to city. They quickly evaporated, dispersed
into invisibility, and were gone. Now, and for 2 decades now, they turn
into big wide creepy looking smokey vapors, and eventually, if you have
patience to watch this horror, you will observe that a clear blue sky
will go from beautiful to nothing more than an entire grey and ugly
mess, hense, changing the entire weather pattern over an entire area,
area after area, until eventually, these clouds chicken and turn darker.
From this rain will fall, and storms and patterns of numerous weather
conditions develop around the entire globe. Should these jets stop doing
this, no new weather would exit anywhere on this world, and I refuse to
believe that top weather channel meteorologists can be unaware and
totally oblivious to this. Not that it would matter, because the minute
to try do expose this crap, your life will rapidly go to hell. Everyone
you tell that takes any interest and tries to assist in getting to the
bottom f it, suddenly watches their life go down the girgler at light
speed squared, or warp ten for the trekkors. Anyone u enlist to help to
expose any of the secrets of the gods and their goofy plans for this
game arena we call Earth and life, will watch all those around them such
as friends, spouces, family members, neighbors, co-workers, and on and
on, GO STRAIGHT TO A FIREY H E L L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They invented the science of psyciatry
and psycology, to enable them to list you as all sorts of iteses and
enicks, etc. This works just like the war room in the pentagon. Before
they do any big thing, they already have two or three cover stories
ready to go out should the diareah run smack into the giant fan. Who
really owns the pentagon, and all evil and wickedness around the globe?
When I lived here as David 3K years ago, I put up with this same 'ENEMY
CHANNEL'. Watch my language choices carefully, my fellow brethren and
sistren, I said channel, it is not, it was not, nor will it ever be,
individuall persons that come after u and make u miserable whan you are
a threat to them through what I've termed EXPOSURE METHODOLOGY.
Now for the GREAT MACHINE and the really big story on 'my action news'.
Their is a powerful and magical scripture in the Christian King James version
of the HOLY BIBLE, that seriously, and not taken as story or parable; that
refers to the so-called devil by his fallen name, and goes a bit like
Preachers great and small, with seminary degree, believe A HUGE LIE.
They do not take the word DEVICES to actually be a super HI-TEK Machine,
capable of negatively effecting energy that exists in the quantum foam of
fifth-dimensional space, in such a spurious and outlandish way. You see, it
effects anything. and I said ANYTHING, that runs or is any way part of anthing
ELECTICAL, MECHANICAL, OR BIOLOGICAL, and the reason it can do this is because
all 3 of these things are only real on a 3 dimensional plane of life as a
type of mass times light speed squared on a very unusually high frequency
of P and S cloud interorbital atomic signature. The device is thus able to
interfere with the exact signature of subatomic orbiting particles that
cause 4th and 5th dimensional changes or interdimensionalization as some
sci-fi buffs may have seen it used in their favorite shows. This weekend,
everything was hit around me, from my physical body, my electronic home
devices, my automobile, people around me by way of influencing their mental
channel, and on and on. These machines can turn a child int an old dying
lump of clay, as well as the other way around. I have witnessed what it can
do. The only reason I live and breathe and can still speak and type, is
because I too have had my day of reckoning with this magical device. There
is one of these stationary gagets on State Street in Camden, NJ, another one
is in Atlantic City,NJ on Tennessee Avenue above a casino bus parking lot,
and the third one is in Haddonfield, NJ close to the Pennypacker Park in a
uilding called Coolie Hall. The other buildings are Recorded Publications
Laboratory, and the ACNJ one is in mid air, as a fire took out the Boliver Hotel
where it was originally brought into our human world straight from very
high astral planes, by the great Sarah-Stacey Herself, THE ALL MIGHTY
God of our pathetically deluded world. These machines can propogate
themselves in similar fashion to humans who can make babies. Any
electrical or mechanical device that gets close to one of the 3 master
devices becomes EMPOWERED, in a much lessor strength than the original,
and the process can endlessly go on, with power being similar to that of
nuclear half-life weak force decaying 4th dimensional cycling. Let me
close up chapter 2 of MB by reminding my readers that the day Mayor Levy
took office in ACNJ, notice how the ocean was sending him a message
thatr he better do a good job and clean up her great city in the human
world. The GREAT SARAH is watching you chief. Goddess Jupiter
transmitted her lightning through the vacumn of space, and into the dark
dead quiet seas of this world. The Atlantic Ocean does not like people
who hurt 'THAT BOY', as she has called me for quintillions of endless
eons. weather conditions develop around the entire globe. Should these
jets stop doing this, no new weather would exit anywhere on this world,
and I refuse to believe that top weather channel meteorologists can be
unaware and totally oblivious to this. Not that it would matter, because
the minute to try do expose this crap, your life will rapidly go to
hell. Everyone you tell that takes any interest and tries to assist in
getting to the bottom f it, suddenly watches their life go down the
girgler at light speed squared, or warp ten for the trekkors. Anyone u
enlist to help to expose any of the secrets of the gods and their goofy
plans for this game arena we call Earth and life, will watch all those
around them such as friends, spouces, family members, neighbors,
co-workers, and on and on, GO STRAIGHT TO A FIREY H E L
L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They invented the
science of psyciatry and psycology, to enable them to list you as all
sorts of iteses and enicks, etc. This works just like the war room in
the pentagon. Before they do any big thing, they already have two or
three cover stories ready to go out should the diareah run smack into
the giant fan. Who really owns the pentagon, and all evil and wickedness
around the globe? When I lived here as David 3K years ago, I put up with
this same 'ENEMY CHANNEL'. Watch my language choices carefully, my
fellow brethren and sistren, I said channel, it is not, it was not, nor
will it ever be, individuall persons that come after u and make u
miserable whan you are a threat to them through what I've termed
EXPOSURE METHODOLOGY. Now for the GREAT MACHINE and the really big story
on 'my action news'. Their is a powerful and magical scripture in the
Christian King James version of the HOLY BIBLE, that seriously, and not
taken as story or parable; that refers to the so-called devil by his
fallen name, and goes a bit like this, WATCH OUT AND BE DILIGENT SO AS
TO AVOID SATAN'S DEVICES....Preachers great and small, with
seminary degree, believe A HUGE LIE. They do not take the word DEVICES
to actually be a super HI-TEK Machine, capable of negatively effecting
energy that exists in the quantum foam of fifth-dimensional space, in
such a spurious and outlandish way. You see, it effects anything. and I
said ANYTHING, that runs or is any way part of anthing ELECTICAL,
MECHANICAL, OR BIOLOGICAL, and the reason it can do this is because all
3 of these things are only real on a 3 dimensional plane of life as a
type of mass times light speed squared on a very unusually high
frequency of P and S cloud interorbital atomic signature. The device is
thus able to interfere with the exact signature of subatomic orbiting
particles that cause 4th and 5th dimensional changes or
interdimensionalization as some sci-fi buffs may have seen it used in
their favorite shows. This weekend, everything was hit around me, from
my physical body, my electronic home devices, my automobile, people
around me by way of influencing their mental channel, and on and on.
These machines can turn a child int an old dying lump of clay, as well
as the other way around. I have witnessed what it can do. The only
reason I live and breathe and can still speak and type, is because I too
have had my day of reckoning with this magical device. There is one of
these stationary gagets on State Street in Camden, NJ, another one is in
Atlantic City,NJ on Tennessee Avenue above a casino bus parking lot, and
the third one is in Haddonfield, NJ close to the Pennypacker Park in a
building called Coolie Hall. The other buildings are Recorded
Publications Laboratory, and the ACNJ one is in mid air, as a fire took
out the Boliver Hotel where it was originally brought into our human
world straight from very high astral planes, by the great Sarah-Stacey
Herself, THE ALL MIGHTY God of our pathetically deluded world. These
machines can propogate themselves in similar fashion to humans who can
make babies. Any electrical or mechanical device that gets close to one
of the 3 master devices becomes EMPOWERED, in a much lessor strength
than the original, and the process can endlessly go on, with power being
similar to that of nuclear half-life weak force decaying 4th dimensional
cycling. Let me close up chapter 2 of MB by reminding my readers that
the day Mayor Levy took office in ACNJ, notice how the ocean was sending
him a message thatr he better do a good job and clean up her great city
in the human world. The GREAT SARAH is watching you chief. Goddess
Jupiter transmitted her lightning through the vacumn of space, and into
the dark dead quiet seas of this world. The Atlantic Ocean does not like
people who hurt 'THAT BOY', as she has called me for quintillions of
endless eons.


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