Monday, July 24, 2006

Chapter 44 _____ I am all Junk and Nonsense, so why so much energy used to shut me up?

Moanin' everybody, I plan, if things do not foook up too much, to do 2 chapters, this one and #45. Wanna C if I can get one in before dow opens up, and then C how much more hacking occurs after market starts to trade. <> <> <> <> I do not understand this symbol but I do know how to type it in. Everytime somewhere between one and eoght lines of things I say, do not make it onto the Blogger page, these symbols appear in the hack somehow, just letting U'all kniw that I am not quite as dumb as I appear. When early this month before the holiday, I was about to say that Morianity Bible, and all else, has a purpose, somehow somwhere someway, or it would not B, simple as all that, but they gapped me friggin' out, and it started with those silly symbols appearing first on the text. Ed, my guru, as I'll refer to him as, is human, highly smart, but human, and no human can fight what is against me, namely, lightning's twin brother to Leda and Zues, Appololucifer Beezelbub Abadon Diabolis, his lovely name number being of course [ 36 ]. Count the fookin' letters in the names for crissake or for my great X 62nd grandfather's sake. People think MB is lotsa junk & stupidity, well, guess what, some one and or some thing Captain Shatner Boston, is going 2 lots and lots of effort, to thwart what I am attempting to do. Do not C how or why this would B occurring if all this all just a lot of runtslapping absurdity.
36 is a horrible number, as it adds up to 666 when you go 1+2+3+4+5+6, etc. to 36. The last time that I ever saw Sarah and her deadly girlgang, on astral realms known as the [Viqueens], in every single province, and there are over 1.20362 X 10 to the 30th power provinces, but anywho, the time was, as I will never forget it in 55 kalpas, just past ten O'clock post meridian on the night of the twelvth of July of 1970. So 36 years to the day later is, DUH, DERR, 7/12/2K6. I did not have to be a prophet to know that something nig in the middle east would go down on this day, only needed to know the way that the motive program operates that is controlled by the 7th dimensional lawtrons, and I blog dated it, I said, watch out for big shit later this month, BOOM, Mr. Adam Zok Pal Dingdong zap West.
In the late 70's I played around with many electronic things, frequency generators, open reel recorders, amplification apparatus, and old data type devices and put some bizzare crapola together. I was able to break through hyperspace, and listen in on what was going on in my own room, but in an altered reality/dimension, another location in 5th dimensional HS. I tuned into a near one, not all that far off MCR, and heard, and recorded, a telephone conversation woth a friend from Gloucester, NJ, Mr. James T. Burr. I was telling him how my last time staying at the Trinidad Motel, now a Motel-8, changed twice recently to get intentionally rid of history markers, how I was raped by the Viqueens. It did not occurr here, but who cares, it explains my fear and shyness around women, we are much more in our beingness than three dimensions. People scared of heights, fell and were injured or killled in other parts of their 5-beingness, other parts of time and other realities in HS. Anyway, let me C what happens when I try to continue talking about this awful stuff, in my next chapter, want 2 publish this a couple minutes before stock market opens.


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