Morianity Bible The Epilogue
Enemies, who R they? They are any situation made up of a pure energy that is unidentifiable by mortal man as yet in 2K6. Anything, anyone, any possible situation, causing U or me, more harm than good, more bad and sad than happy, U get the idea, this is ‘the enemy’ and Christians can use one or a group of several names when referring to this enemy, but I say only, ‘the ENEMY’.
My friends in the real estate and travel game, and one in particular, is looking into where I need to go in the world, where I can reduce the evil effects of this enemy, and B able simultaneously to live and exist on my fixed social security income. Until then, still from here, I will direct U to follow the MB after U read the epilogue, by clicking onto the second blog, called [ MORIANITY FOUNDATION ].
A child can C that has been faithfully following MORIANITY, and knows what I go through with these rotten runtslapping subskummites, , that for the past 3 weeks, these dirtballs have put my puny pathetic little fatass through a hell that would be uncontionable even for Adolph Hitler, himself, and I mean this. No human without outer influence, by his or her self, even Mr. Hitler, could ever B this totally cruel to another whom wears the same coat of flesh as they do!!!!!
This is obviously Y the stock stinking market has been getting its way, and the Phillies kept from ever getting into the wildcard. When they get close, 1,2, or 3 games back GB so to speak from winning position, the enemy POURS ON THE FRIGGIN ROCKCHUCKING PERSECUTION, AND STOPS THEM DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS EVERY SINGLE BUNTTAPPING TIME. They made yesterday, the 24th of August, a horrific hell, major chopper attacks, over my residence, following me to the Hammonton Wall Mart, U name it, they efed with me. But I am not even starting to tell what they do 2 me on weekends @ my security job post. The aerial persecution is major and constant, and many strange and spurious occurrences are the norm for me. Someone in government circles, another famous ‘promise breaking story I can endlessly tell’, reniged and would not do something promised me earlier, that they would have someone actually sit with me and C 4 themselves, the shitsapookna that I must endure at the hands of these knockpuckers. No, just leave me out in the cold to fend 4 myself, and endlessly suffer in a hell that U simply put, could never even fathom for all the pick six lotto numbers in the winning pool.
Last Saturday morning on this job post around one and a half of the clock, give or take a quarter hour, I had a real honest to the gods UFO situation, and this never was witnessed by me before, not like this. Any craft flying in the air, that U don’t know who and what it is, is by definition, an unidentified flying object, but though in the past 22 years or so give or take, I have seen some mildly bizarre crap up in the sky, this happening could have an entire book written about it, and if I lie, I accept full pain and penalty of perjury, an any and all punitation that this material world, and all astral worlds, both transdimensionally and interdimensionally, can ever throw at me, on top of all my hell, that exists 4 me, endlessly and forever. Most will not believe a word that I will now speak unto U. If I sat U down and said that I want 2 tell U something, but will never believe me, and U kept insisting that U will believe me, then I would say 2 U, if U do not believe me in a little thing that I say, does it not prove and verify that U will not believe the bigger thing? Then U may say, what little thing am I not believing? I then would respond, “when I tell U that U won’t believe what I say. Think about it, there is magic energy in doubting, just as magical energies exist in this short pun. In any event, out of nowhere, a loud and ver low chopper with many bright and numerously colored lights shinning around both in circles, as well as straight downward at the ground, and it hovered and circled around me making several loud and spurious passes directly over me and my car, as I work out of my car, and will, until the boss builds us a guardhouse, which is a plan in work at present. Aniwho, rabies and germs, morians and lessians, I feel the need to state again to all of my readers, or maybe just to an empty cyberspace, that what follows next, has, nor won’t soon have, nor B able to yield an Earthly explanation. After ten minutes of fudging with me, it flew off the the north and towards the city of Hammonton. I followed it with the naked eye as long as I thought I would B able 2 do so. After 3 or 4 minutes, it appeared to stop dead in its tracks and just hover over the city area, moving back and forth east and west over slighter distances, and eventually just totally stopping dead, but shinning its lights brighter and brighter, and the colors faded a bit due to distance, but still were visible to the naked eye. I keep a tape recorder at all times, and was logging the event or so I thought I was, on a cassette tape, but it never came ot. A brand new store bought tape, recording on a new and recently cleaned with isopropal alcohol and demagnetization cassette, had wrapped up in the capstan mechanism of the tape machine, and I was talking only to myself, not friggin recording anything, later my watched gained 45 minutes over the course of an hour, and an explosion sound was heard when I started my car, but the mechanic on the following Monday, again and as usual, could find no Earthly reason for it, nor a thing mechanically wrong with the auto other than its being old and crying out for a good car-christian burial. R U ready 4 the big one Mister Fred Sanford????? After 20 minutes from when the chopper flew off and stopped bothering and circling me, dead zenith above me, it became, yes BECAME, a pulsar star of the heavens, in fact the bright one that we all C pn clear nights, that if U stare at it, flashes with every color in the rainbow, and is bright and in varying luminous intensity. The star itself, which is an astral city called HYDRAGLACIA, far beyond the province of Olympia on the Astral Plane, literally came to me in the shape and sound of a military helicopter, and then within less than ½ of a human hour, traversed thousands of light years of distance, and returned to being the astral city again. All physical plane stars, are huge cities with great populations in the trillions, on astral realms, and if enough citizens decide to all with a particular piece of interaction of 5-D HS, it can, and now I know this 4 a fact. I also know with the same absolute knowledge and ferver, and total certainty, that an ETTOSIAN force is behind my not getting one person, not 1 lousy person with clout, who sees a huge lawsuit in all of this, after scanning through MB. These enemies of mine all have very deep pockets, and have committed uncontionable acts of violence, property damage, social and human destruction, against me, an totally pathetic whittle innocent victim, as I swear to the gods that I never did anything 2 any one 2 deserve this, B real, if they had something big on me, legitimately, I would have long been sued for libel and slander, and prosecuted criminally. I’ve done nothing, I’m guilty of no more than being a victim of some atrocious low-ego emission cult activity. Art Bell, who now is retired, said on Philadelphia talk radio, the big talker 1210 Amplitude Modulation, on 1.21 megahertz, that there R bored-2-tears people especially in the Los Angelos, Cally area of the USA, that get approached by ‘someone, most likely fortune tenners, and all fortune 10 through 50 are LAMIST CULTERS, and they get shown ways of really playing evil games and hurting people, that have been targeted for their amusement and pleasure, nothing personal, to harass and persecute us. The few of us in the large population, know who indeed we R. Medical conditions that cannot be diagnosed come to U and all those around U deer to U, major constant interference with radio or TV, computer operations, anything electrical and mechanical always seems to go wrong and or act up in some way, people mess with U on the road way more than the average driver is messed with, all products U normally buy in stores get harder to get as flashmobs buy the stuff that U like up, the list goes literally on and on, but again, we of the harassed, know who we are, and we are not RANDOMIZED JOESHMO SYNDROME CASES. The black cloud over our heads is being put there by the filthy dirty lowlife trash that are referred to in MORIANITY BIBLE by their true cult name of LAMIST. Dark Shadows refers 2 them precisely, but changes the name to LEVIATHINS, it still got the greatest soap show of all time cancelled, so who really’s got the power, huh, who love’s ya, Telly????
They threw me off of MYSPACE.COM, if I ain’t mistaken. I was told I do not seem to B there by some acquaintances, and 2-day, upon looking myself, I only get a strange pop-up screen when I put in my code and E-mail info. Gonna write to civil liberties, this will play right into my hands, once I indeed do confirm that I am not legally permitted to tell my true story when others are allowed, and I am expressing religious beliefs and telling of horrific deeds that have been done 2 me, that totally are in violation of law, my civil liberties, and constitutional rights, as a citizen born in the United States of America. I have done nothing wrong, first I am interested only in women well beyond the legal age, multiply it by 3 quite realistically, and I do not support anything subversive, antigovernment, violent, or terroristic. Taken out of contest, anybodys damn words and message can be misconstrued and misunderstood. One example is when I say on a chapter somewhere in July I believe, that if U actually knew what I did for a fact the way that I do, concerning and regarding the Lamists, you would go out and obliterate them, and u would. I have seen mob lynchings, and 2006 is no more civilized than 1806, it is just way more regulated, way less free, and much closer to when mister Lewis and mister Clark made the Louisiana purchase. There is no runt slapping humor here babywuv, I’m dead-ass serious. No one has any legal right to shut me up or shut me down, and I will fucking take this all the way Supreme Court before the 9 Justices, I’m not playing. U will not stop me, as I am doing no wrong, wrong is being constantly done 2 me, and I have every right to try and get it exposed 2 the world.
Lamists R the 1’s that should B thrown the Christ into jail, not innocents, and poor weak frail persons like me, with no resources in the world to fight these dick in the mouths back on their level, in this very Unfair and Unlevel playing field of this land of FAKE JUSTICE, real only for the rich, right Jack McCoy????????? So MB is now over, but my attempts to begin my MORIANITY FOUNDATION, have only just begun, Ms. Carpenter. Luv is for more than her great Sarah-Stacey, your son taught us 200 decades ago, it should B 4 all of us, as in your great city where love flows free, and no one would think of using words like orgey. Your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Krassle, told me many times, there R no marriages in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, we all love all. Yet they turn around and chase me away from my beautiful lovely queen, and then your kid calls the human pharasees a bunch of hypocrites, geesh, I guess I am not yet old enough to understand a lot of things, I am only eternity. Well, anyway, click on MORIANITY FOUNDATION, to read my next blog, after going of course to, and you’ll watch something grow, bigger than a forest of Redwood trees. Someday, all I need will B 1 person with power and clout who has niceness and goodness in their isness of being somewhere, instead of trumpism, reaganism, and lamistism, all 3 very wide astral highways that lead straight to regions in Dogtown , a place U do not want any part of, across the great Teck Bay, from the great city of the great Queen Sarah-Stacey. A final footnote that my guru brought 2 my attention 3 weeks ago, and must B now cleared up. He said that many people may get the idea that I am an internet perv or predator, whatever, just since I am old, and talk so much about ‘teen-queens’. I reminded him, as I now remind both my Morians and my Lessians alike, do the friggin math for the sake of the gods. My teen queens are the women of today, the grandmothers, they were teens when your stupid calendar was treading [the sixties], get your minds out of the sewers of France, I am no perv, and am no more interested in women much under 60, than I am interested in eating loose dog shit. Cut me a break, please, and then go to the MORIANITY FOUNDATION, and this is 25 August of 2K6, so remember, it is just starting. Happy Hacker reading and keep driving on parkways and parking on driveways, and watch out for ettosianism, the original STAR TREK creator, MR. G.R. knew this was real, and got it all in through the back doocalling the aliens pertaining to what I am talking about, the Talosians, happy 40th anniversary Trekkors, Trek on, rock on, and enemies beware, I will get all of U, and legally and properly, but like the swiffer mop, I will get you, get you, get u, and that is a promise that you may B forwarned of right now.
By By for now, big KAL>
My friends in the real estate and travel game, and one in particular, is looking into where I need to go in the world, where I can reduce the evil effects of this enemy, and B able simultaneously to live and exist on my fixed social security income. Until then, still from here, I will direct U to follow the MB after U read the epilogue, by clicking onto the second blog, called [ MORIANITY FOUNDATION ].
A child can C that has been faithfully following MORIANITY, and knows what I go through with these rotten runtslapping subskummites, , that for the past 3 weeks, these dirtballs have put my puny pathetic little fatass through a hell that would be uncontionable even for Adolph Hitler, himself, and I mean this. No human without outer influence, by his or her self, even Mr. Hitler, could ever B this totally cruel to another whom wears the same coat of flesh as they do!!!!!
This is obviously Y the stock stinking market has been getting its way, and the Phillies kept from ever getting into the wildcard. When they get close, 1,2, or 3 games back GB so to speak from winning position, the enemy POURS ON THE FRIGGIN ROCKCHUCKING PERSECUTION, AND STOPS THEM DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS EVERY SINGLE BUNTTAPPING TIME. They made yesterday, the 24th of August, a horrific hell, major chopper attacks, over my residence, following me to the Hammonton Wall Mart, U name it, they efed with me. But I am not even starting to tell what they do 2 me on weekends @ my security job post. The aerial persecution is major and constant, and many strange and spurious occurrences are the norm for me. Someone in government circles, another famous ‘promise breaking story I can endlessly tell’, reniged and would not do something promised me earlier, that they would have someone actually sit with me and C 4 themselves, the shitsapookna that I must endure at the hands of these knockpuckers. No, just leave me out in the cold to fend 4 myself, and endlessly suffer in a hell that U simply put, could never even fathom for all the pick six lotto numbers in the winning pool.
Last Saturday morning on this job post around one and a half of the clock, give or take a quarter hour, I had a real honest to the gods UFO situation, and this never was witnessed by me before, not like this. Any craft flying in the air, that U don’t know who and what it is, is by definition, an unidentified flying object, but though in the past 22 years or so give or take, I have seen some mildly bizarre crap up in the sky, this happening could have an entire book written about it, and if I lie, I accept full pain and penalty of perjury, an any and all punitation that this material world, and all astral worlds, both transdimensionally and interdimensionally, can ever throw at me, on top of all my hell, that exists 4 me, endlessly and forever. Most will not believe a word that I will now speak unto U. If I sat U down and said that I want 2 tell U something, but will never believe me, and U kept insisting that U will believe me, then I would say 2 U, if U do not believe me in a little thing that I say, does it not prove and verify that U will not believe the bigger thing? Then U may say, what little thing am I not believing? I then would respond, “when I tell U that U won’t believe what I say. Think about it, there is magic energy in doubting, just as magical energies exist in this short pun. In any event, out of nowhere, a loud and ver low chopper with many bright and numerously colored lights shinning around both in circles, as well as straight downward at the ground, and it hovered and circled around me making several loud and spurious passes directly over me and my car, as I work out of my car, and will, until the boss builds us a guardhouse, which is a plan in work at present. Aniwho, rabies and germs, morians and lessians, I feel the need to state again to all of my readers, or maybe just to an empty cyberspace, that what follows next, has, nor won’t soon have, nor B able to yield an Earthly explanation. After ten minutes of fudging with me, it flew off the the north and towards the city of Hammonton. I followed it with the naked eye as long as I thought I would B able 2 do so. After 3 or 4 minutes, it appeared to stop dead in its tracks and just hover over the city area, moving back and forth east and west over slighter distances, and eventually just totally stopping dead, but shinning its lights brighter and brighter, and the colors faded a bit due to distance, but still were visible to the naked eye. I keep a tape recorder at all times, and was logging the event or so I thought I was, on a cassette tape, but it never came ot. A brand new store bought tape, recording on a new and recently cleaned with isopropal alcohol and demagnetization cassette, had wrapped up in the capstan mechanism of the tape machine, and I was talking only to myself, not friggin recording anything, later my watched gained 45 minutes over the course of an hour, and an explosion sound was heard when I started my car, but the mechanic on the following Monday, again and as usual, could find no Earthly reason for it, nor a thing mechanically wrong with the auto other than its being old and crying out for a good car-christian burial. R U ready 4 the big one Mister Fred Sanford????? After 20 minutes from when the chopper flew off and stopped bothering and circling me, dead zenith above me, it became, yes BECAME, a pulsar star of the heavens, in fact the bright one that we all C pn clear nights, that if U stare at it, flashes with every color in the rainbow, and is bright and in varying luminous intensity. The star itself, which is an astral city called HYDRAGLACIA, far beyond the province of Olympia on the Astral Plane, literally came to me in the shape and sound of a military helicopter, and then within less than ½ of a human hour, traversed thousands of light years of distance, and returned to being the astral city again. All physical plane stars, are huge cities with great populations in the trillions, on astral realms, and if enough citizens decide to all with a particular piece of interaction of 5-D HS, it can, and now I know this 4 a fact. I also know with the same absolute knowledge and ferver, and total certainty, that an ETTOSIAN force is behind my not getting one person, not 1 lousy person with clout, who sees a huge lawsuit in all of this, after scanning through MB. These enemies of mine all have very deep pockets, and have committed uncontionable acts of violence, property damage, social and human destruction, against me, an totally pathetic whittle innocent victim, as I swear to the gods that I never did anything 2 any one 2 deserve this, B real, if they had something big on me, legitimately, I would have long been sued for libel and slander, and prosecuted criminally. I’ve done nothing, I’m guilty of no more than being a victim of some atrocious low-ego emission cult activity. Art Bell, who now is retired, said on Philadelphia talk radio, the big talker 1210 Amplitude Modulation, on 1.21 megahertz, that there R bored-2-tears people especially in the Los Angelos, Cally area of the USA, that get approached by ‘someone, most likely fortune tenners, and all fortune 10 through 50 are LAMIST CULTERS, and they get shown ways of really playing evil games and hurting people, that have been targeted for their amusement and pleasure, nothing personal, to harass and persecute us. The few of us in the large population, know who indeed we R. Medical conditions that cannot be diagnosed come to U and all those around U deer to U, major constant interference with radio or TV, computer operations, anything electrical and mechanical always seems to go wrong and or act up in some way, people mess with U on the road way more than the average driver is messed with, all products U normally buy in stores get harder to get as flashmobs buy the stuff that U like up, the list goes literally on and on, but again, we of the harassed, know who we are, and we are not RANDOMIZED JOESHMO SYNDROME CASES. The black cloud over our heads is being put there by the filthy dirty lowlife trash that are referred to in MORIANITY BIBLE by their true cult name of LAMIST. Dark Shadows refers 2 them precisely, but changes the name to LEVIATHINS, it still got the greatest soap show of all time cancelled, so who really’s got the power, huh, who love’s ya, Telly????
They threw me off of MYSPACE.COM, if I ain’t mistaken. I was told I do not seem to B there by some acquaintances, and 2-day, upon looking myself, I only get a strange pop-up screen when I put in my code and E-mail info. Gonna write to civil liberties, this will play right into my hands, once I indeed do confirm that I am not legally permitted to tell my true story when others are allowed, and I am expressing religious beliefs and telling of horrific deeds that have been done 2 me, that totally are in violation of law, my civil liberties, and constitutional rights, as a citizen born in the United States of America. I have done nothing wrong, first I am interested only in women well beyond the legal age, multiply it by 3 quite realistically, and I do not support anything subversive, antigovernment, violent, or terroristic. Taken out of contest, anybodys damn words and message can be misconstrued and misunderstood. One example is when I say on a chapter somewhere in July I believe, that if U actually knew what I did for a fact the way that I do, concerning and regarding the Lamists, you would go out and obliterate them, and u would. I have seen mob lynchings, and 2006 is no more civilized than 1806, it is just way more regulated, way less free, and much closer to when mister Lewis and mister Clark made the Louisiana purchase. There is no runt slapping humor here babywuv, I’m dead-ass serious. No one has any legal right to shut me up or shut me down, and I will fucking take this all the way Supreme Court before the 9 Justices, I’m not playing. U will not stop me, as I am doing no wrong, wrong is being constantly done 2 me, and I have every right to try and get it exposed 2 the world.
Lamists R the 1’s that should B thrown the Christ into jail, not innocents, and poor weak frail persons like me, with no resources in the world to fight these dick in the mouths back on their level, in this very Unfair and Unlevel playing field of this land of FAKE JUSTICE, real only for the rich, right Jack McCoy????????? So MB is now over, but my attempts to begin my MORIANITY FOUNDATION, have only just begun, Ms. Carpenter. Luv is for more than her great Sarah-Stacey, your son taught us 200 decades ago, it should B 4 all of us, as in your great city where love flows free, and no one would think of using words like orgey. Your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Krassle, told me many times, there R no marriages in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, we all love all. Yet they turn around and chase me away from my beautiful lovely queen, and then your kid calls the human pharasees a bunch of hypocrites, geesh, I guess I am not yet old enough to understand a lot of things, I am only eternity. Well, anyway, click on MORIANITY FOUNDATION, to read my next blog, after going of course to, and you’ll watch something grow, bigger than a forest of Redwood trees. Someday, all I need will B 1 person with power and clout who has niceness and goodness in their isness of being somewhere, instead of trumpism, reaganism, and lamistism, all 3 very wide astral highways that lead straight to regions in Dogtown , a place U do not want any part of, across the great Teck Bay, from the great city of the great Queen Sarah-Stacey. A final footnote that my guru brought 2 my attention 3 weeks ago, and must B now cleared up. He said that many people may get the idea that I am an internet perv or predator, whatever, just since I am old, and talk so much about ‘teen-queens’. I reminded him, as I now remind both my Morians and my Lessians alike, do the friggin math for the sake of the gods. My teen queens are the women of today, the grandmothers, they were teens when your stupid calendar was treading [the sixties], get your minds out of the sewers of France, I am no perv, and am no more interested in women much under 60, than I am interested in eating loose dog shit. Cut me a break, please, and then go to the MORIANITY FOUNDATION, and this is 25 August of 2K6, so remember, it is just starting. Happy Hacker reading and keep driving on parkways and parking on driveways, and watch out for ettosianism, the original STAR TREK creator, MR. G.R. knew this was real, and got it all in through the back doocalling the aliens pertaining to what I am talking about, the Talosians, happy 40th anniversary Trekkors, Trek on, rock on, and enemies beware, I will get all of U, and legally and properly, but like the swiffer mop, I will get you, get you, get u, and that is a promise that you may B forwarned of right now.
By By for now, big KAL>
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