Chapter 49 Just Call Me Poor-Whittle Ugly Old Joe Shmo
My guru friend Ed told me about the old cartoon comic character called Joe Shmo, the dude with the eternal black cloud hanging over his head, and there it was, everywhere he went, whatever he would do, and only he seemed to get rained on perpetually, no one else, except of course for the normal and accepted amounts of negatives that life naturally deals to us all. Anywho, my guru and I had a small falling out early inJuly over the major hacking that I get, but I blew his mind with one thing that even he was not able to chalk off as my paranoia. Look, I am paranoid, and U 2 would B if U had 2 endure what I go through every single friggin day of my pathetic miserable existance. I did not say life, as it is not life. My hell is SUB-VAMPIRIC EXISTANCE, and that's all it is!!!!!!!!!! When he learned about what happened 2 me over the past weekend on my job site where I'm employed as a security officer, with the 'otherwise normally friendly dog, by the name of 'JULY', by the way, but in hispanic language, pronounced [ who-lee-oh], which in this language means the great emporer of olden days Rome, and where our month of July comes from, as he created a new calendar. Later after his time, the Gregorian calendar was conceived of by the great Prince Gregory, and 13 months are now the 12 months, one to each represent an individual tribe of the Isrealites. 7 and 12, the great SSJKK's 2 numbers, could have a book the size of the Britannica Encyclopedia written on them. Where can I begin? Later I'll tell U-all just a bit more, but 4 right now, I must tell U this.
Notice how they broke my car stereo, costing me 50 bucks to have the warrantied replacement model re-installed at Circuit City of Deptford, NJ, Electronic Department store. Then the huge rest of the weekend milituforce death siege that these hammerwads put me through, and then the horiffic huge bulley-teen slob that harassed me while doing no more than leaving this library where today I am back at. I will not allow these fisheyed Estherfools to intimidate me, as I said before, U damn turds'll have to kill me, and guess what Doncan, America my run on U, but like U, but with slightly altered rules in the reality of the situation, I do not die and stay dead, so LOL, and I do not mean loving on line. U'll need all the luck and then more than all the energy in this entire downlined reality which is just SSJKK's upline thoughtwave, and with all of that, U cannot eliminate me, F U D G Y A. Here is what I started 2 tell u the other day on prior blogianity, but as I tend 2 do a lot, I get off on a tangent, and not realize until reading my printouts at home at a later part of the 4th dimension, that I had totally forgotten to complete the main point that I was talking 2 U about. Funny how the lawtrons, just as I now begin to go on with the story, the security guard here at the library that is part of the story, and reason for another [3rd] flying to the moon week on their dirthole stock manipulated ICPE-TEK market, just walked by my place here at the computer, and I know it was a bit of intimidation, as she never on my 5 or so of my times here, walks this particular aisle along this particular wall. So after the huge black sumo teen scared me out of a years shrinkage, not growth, as I am knee high to a tad-pole, any-who, I told her what happened, and she would not do one thing, woudn't even speak to me, what am I for crissake, chopped eyed peas and livercuts? Her job is to address my complaint, not to try to tackle the huge misbehaving teens on the outside benches, but 2 at least call the Constaples On Patrol of Winslow Township, NJ. But instead, she pulls a Mayor Bob Levy on me, like the day I told U-all's about in the Atlantic Ocean, where in 1997, we were out body-surfing, along with a couple other lifeguards, and when I asked him a question regarding Sarah Callio Martino, he gives me the cold shoulder, the smerk, and the package of pure hostility, all wrapped up into one big pile of loose turtle manure. I knew he knew her, as the huge flood of a foot of rain that swallowed up parts of New Jersey, producing a foot of rain in the great city on humanworld planes, Atlantic City, NJ, [A C, N J]. During a Jersey TV Channel broadcast showing all the problems that the flood had caused the area, he was standing right outside the friggin' water company,their website is They had him intentionally right there, as they all knew that we swam and body-surfed out in the ocean. I had previously been nosing around the area and asking lots of people about Sarah, even the famous Frailenger's employee lady that they all know, Queenie, as we and all the locals called her, cool choice for a nickname, and I had gone into Robert McGuires shit hole to ask a few things, in fact my exact words to him were, "I am looking to find Sarah Karge, to reminiss about the old days here on Tennessee Avenue back in the 60's". It was out of a movie how he treated me, demading my ID, and he made a photocopy of it, and it is all way 2 upsetting to further go into at this time, but backl to my point with the library's security officer, the young pretty but very hostile black chick who treated me so bad, when I was the foooooin' victim in all of this for my 62nd grand-daddy's sake. U know he and I can both walk on top of a surface made from two elements of hydrogen and one element of oxygen, and one of these days, if no other way can B found 4 me to get help and recognition regarding these evil bastards that R putting me through this viscious eternal hell, I swear to all the stinking astral realm gods, even Mr. Krassle himself, the great NeptuneJupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious, that I will go to the great mirror of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, [AC, NJ], and go out into the water and run around on top of it all day, until every stinking TV station in the country is all over the story. U pricks want real war with me, then just bring it on ya dindong hammer blowhards!!!!!!
My complaint to the library system got attention, HA HA HA. Even though they win in long run play with this horiffic siegehell, me out 50 bucks and bullied, and even beaten up a bit by a resident of Dogtown, vacationing on the Earth 4 a little while, the stock market naturally goes flying up. U know by now Mr, B. Joel, how it all works, just harass and persecute poor innocent whittle me, and up goes Dow Jones, and lose,lose,lose, for the Philadelphia Phillies ballclub, of course I no longer feel badly 4 them, they had their chance to reverse their, and my, curse, and laughed and ignored me, well, tough navy beans 4 them and mister Carl Allen. Eddie Himacane, as I have nick named my computer guru, is a believer, after the incident with the dog, and sooner or later, more things will B witnessed, and more people also will start 2 C all this shitkapunai, they can only do this 2 a point, and oneday when they least think it ever could possibly heppen, nuclear B O O M - B O O M, and thermonuclear B A N G, they'll all B caught, and friggin' screwed, and I will be a multi frickin' billionaire, as these pricks all have very very deep pockets.
I errored on priblog on my 9 year cycle telling of July 12th of 1970, 1977, 1988, 1997, and 2006, I said the interaction of July 12, 1996, and that was an ettosian not Brian/Brain attack. I meant to say the dream of July 12, 1997, and adding 7 years starting at July 12, of '70, it would go to 79, 88, 97, and oh-six. And by the gods, it did. Speaking of the gods, the 27th is Goddess Diana Arteeus's special number, numerologically totalling up to 9, and back on the 27th of July, during my sieges that she hates these pricks 4 causing me, all locals to the Hammonton, New Jersey area, know, that she came around me like I have never seen her do in all my 51 &2/3 years of my life as Mountainpen, forgive the typo the other day, the spell checker on my blog at my other spot on My, did that. Anyway, Diana just pasdusk, was all over me, and I was all over her, she made me happier than I ever have been on this terrible Earth, in all my many existances throughout the 4th and the 5th dimensions. Thank you Babyblond, I love you so much girl. I know U love to tease your little boy, U luscious teen queen giant beauty, when your girlfriend took me to the soda shop in the great city back when I was dreaming it was Easther Sunday of the year 2K1, you had so much fun when U figured out that I was projected so to speak as the great Robert Monroe, would put it, and did not know who or where I was, disoriented and all that, and the way that U came over and stared down at me with those unfathomably deliscious eyes of yours, and that breathtaking long bright canary yellow hair, all I knew was that I never wanted U 2 leave me and go away, and I am so sorry that I did not speak up and tell you how I felt, but now, I do know that you were indeed aware that I was totally discombobulated and out of it, as I had fallen out of my Earth dream and was a bit disconnected from anything at that point, I was being shown the proper way 2 carry a surfboard by your friend, and when we walked a ways from where we had started, she said 2 me,"Let me stop in here a seck 2 C my friend Diana." I will always luv U Diana, and thank you more than words can ever say for coming to me as U did on your number, the 27th. It was just as though a kid was flipping a light switch off and on over and over again, for well over a solid hour, with your beautiful multicolored streamers and ribbons racing accross the dark night skies. No one is anywhere near as beautiful as U, my lovely queen. Let the 6th dimension through this computer's cyberspce, tell U that I cannot go on much longer here without U. Some day I know you will come to me in a human form, if I must B stuck forever in this nightmare Earth dream.
My loyal Morians, thank U for putting up with my short message to my lovely lightning goddess, D.A. , as she means everything 2 me. I want 2 tell U now that the Lamist Cult or really, better said, the LAMIST ORGANIZATION, as I have actually heard it referred to as by one of them, needs be discussed a wee bit now, but first, a quick typo was made when on a prior blog I was talking about going with my mom to a hotel in AC, NJ, the great TRAYMORE HOTEL, that all locals, and most non-locals know of, a once very famous landmark, that the dummies tore down, showing how America shows her respect for its history IMHO, {in my humble opinion}, if this 90's internet expression is still valid and in existance, but back to point, I said that SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE's name number is 30/465, and it is. 30 is the total of letters in all of her great lovely names, and 1+2+3+4+5+6+7...30 does in fact = up to 465. This 465 when turned into numerical dating system, is April of 65, and I was not here as Mountainpen in 1865, nor will poor old Mountainpen B here, hopefully the gods, in 2065, so only the 19 or the twentieth century-65 is relavent 4 me, hence April of 1965 or 4/65, is when Sarah got the Traymore 2 do whatever needed B done @ get mom and me 2 come over 2 her street, and 2 the Trinidad Motel. The error in my blog stated 4/64 if memory is serving me over the ettos hack, the great RR, or Reagans Revenge, which I do not dare presently go into nor admit anything about, regarding a machine that I built in the mid-'80's, and used, many times to the detriment of a major enemy, and mister pres-37, was one, as he started all this [Earthly persecution] on me, not that I am not in eternal Hell, long before and long after, this idiot ever came onto the scene. Back 2 the lamists: The jerk off bully back on Tuesday the first of August, here at this very library branch where I now sit and peck away on little square keys, WAS A FREAKING LAMIST. So is Mayor Levy of AC, NJ, and so is Mrs. L. The prior mayor, Langford was not, but Whaelon and Ussery both were. It was this very time on the calendar, within one lousy day, back 10 frickin' years ago, just 2 weeks after my Sarah Karge, turned 100 years of age, that my poor mom was terroristically threatened at the 'then' TURNERSVILLE PATHMARK STORE. They get rid of all the things that were landmarks that I tell the world where shit happens to me at, even the Traymore, as this was what led to the most powerful incident in my entire life, my meeting the great all mighty, here in the human fleshworlds. They also in like manner, got rid of the Pathmark grocery store, in Turnersville, New Jersey. Anyway, this threat was made to my mom and me on the 2nd day of August, in 1996, just a few months after my writting the song SARAH, about my lovely queen. They did not like any part of my trying to get the song recorded, let alone more than that, getting a once huge star to sing it, Mister Billy Harner, the locals in my area knew him as the [human perculator], one helluva super cool dude. They certainly did not ever want the song 2 get any airplay, but it did, on WVLT radio in Vineland, New Jersey, as one dude, [George and George] as he called himself, would call every week and request the song to B played, and so it was. It even made it for one week to the number one spot on country music charts, in the independent music system, which if you ever saw a published [pie-chart], from those who should know, the great BMI, as only ASCAP and BMI are the 2 biggest royalty collecting agents in the entire global music industry, and by their pie chart, independent music makes up more than half of the major recording labels all put together, so don't sneeze at my minimal success. I paid federal taxes on musical royalties, and collected small royalties from 1998 when WVLT started airing SARAH, up until it slowed to a trickle of pocket change about 1 and 1/2 years ago, a helluva nice little run!!! I wrote Sarah, the song, on the 12th day of May of 1996, and my search and quest to locate my lovely teen queen super girl, was less than a year old. There is so much 2 tell all of U regarding this, and I'll get 2 it all, but first, gotta admit that it is a bit weird that August 1, of 2006, ten years later to the day except for 24 hours, and I am physically threatened again. If this dude keeps messing with me, it'll B his funeral, as I already have put 2 dudes in the big house for illegally efing with me, over the years.
Notice how they broke my car stereo, costing me 50 bucks to have the warrantied replacement model re-installed at Circuit City of Deptford, NJ, Electronic Department store. Then the huge rest of the weekend milituforce death siege that these hammerwads put me through, and then the horiffic huge bulley-teen slob that harassed me while doing no more than leaving this library where today I am back at. I will not allow these fisheyed Estherfools to intimidate me, as I said before, U damn turds'll have to kill me, and guess what Doncan, America my run on U, but like U, but with slightly altered rules in the reality of the situation, I do not die and stay dead, so LOL, and I do not mean loving on line. U'll need all the luck and then more than all the energy in this entire downlined reality which is just SSJKK's upline thoughtwave, and with all of that, U cannot eliminate me, F U D G Y A. Here is what I started 2 tell u the other day on prior blogianity, but as I tend 2 do a lot, I get off on a tangent, and not realize until reading my printouts at home at a later part of the 4th dimension, that I had totally forgotten to complete the main point that I was talking 2 U about. Funny how the lawtrons, just as I now begin to go on with the story, the security guard here at the library that is part of the story, and reason for another [3rd] flying to the moon week on their dirthole stock manipulated ICPE-TEK market, just walked by my place here at the computer, and I know it was a bit of intimidation, as she never on my 5 or so of my times here, walks this particular aisle along this particular wall. So after the huge black sumo teen scared me out of a years shrinkage, not growth, as I am knee high to a tad-pole, any-who, I told her what happened, and she would not do one thing, woudn't even speak to me, what am I for crissake, chopped eyed peas and livercuts? Her job is to address my complaint, not to try to tackle the huge misbehaving teens on the outside benches, but 2 at least call the Constaples On Patrol of Winslow Township, NJ. But instead, she pulls a Mayor Bob Levy on me, like the day I told U-all's about in the Atlantic Ocean, where in 1997, we were out body-surfing, along with a couple other lifeguards, and when I asked him a question regarding Sarah Callio Martino, he gives me the cold shoulder, the smerk, and the package of pure hostility, all wrapped up into one big pile of loose turtle manure. I knew he knew her, as the huge flood of a foot of rain that swallowed up parts of New Jersey, producing a foot of rain in the great city on humanworld planes, Atlantic City, NJ, [A C, N J]. During a Jersey TV Channel broadcast showing all the problems that the flood had caused the area, he was standing right outside the friggin' water company,their website is They had him intentionally right there, as they all knew that we swam and body-surfed out in the ocean. I had previously been nosing around the area and asking lots of people about Sarah, even the famous Frailenger's employee lady that they all know, Queenie, as we and all the locals called her, cool choice for a nickname, and I had gone into Robert McGuires shit hole to ask a few things, in fact my exact words to him were, "I am looking to find Sarah Karge, to reminiss about the old days here on Tennessee Avenue back in the 60's". It was out of a movie how he treated me, demading my ID, and he made a photocopy of it, and it is all way 2 upsetting to further go into at this time, but backl to my point with the library's security officer, the young pretty but very hostile black chick who treated me so bad, when I was the foooooin' victim in all of this for my 62nd grand-daddy's sake. U know he and I can both walk on top of a surface made from two elements of hydrogen and one element of oxygen, and one of these days, if no other way can B found 4 me to get help and recognition regarding these evil bastards that R putting me through this viscious eternal hell, I swear to all the stinking astral realm gods, even Mr. Krassle himself, the great NeptuneJupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious, that I will go to the great mirror of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, [AC, NJ], and go out into the water and run around on top of it all day, until every stinking TV station in the country is all over the story. U pricks want real war with me, then just bring it on ya dindong hammer blowhards!!!!!!
My complaint to the library system got attention, HA HA HA. Even though they win in long run play with this horiffic siegehell, me out 50 bucks and bullied, and even beaten up a bit by a resident of Dogtown, vacationing on the Earth 4 a little while, the stock market naturally goes flying up. U know by now Mr, B. Joel, how it all works, just harass and persecute poor innocent whittle me, and up goes Dow Jones, and lose,lose,lose, for the Philadelphia Phillies ballclub, of course I no longer feel badly 4 them, they had their chance to reverse their, and my, curse, and laughed and ignored me, well, tough navy beans 4 them and mister Carl Allen. Eddie Himacane, as I have nick named my computer guru, is a believer, after the incident with the dog, and sooner or later, more things will B witnessed, and more people also will start 2 C all this shitkapunai, they can only do this 2 a point, and oneday when they least think it ever could possibly heppen, nuclear B O O M - B O O M, and thermonuclear B A N G, they'll all B caught, and friggin' screwed, and I will be a multi frickin' billionaire, as these pricks all have very very deep pockets.
I errored on priblog on my 9 year cycle telling of July 12th of 1970, 1977, 1988, 1997, and 2006, I said the interaction of July 12, 1996, and that was an ettosian not Brian/Brain attack. I meant to say the dream of July 12, 1997, and adding 7 years starting at July 12, of '70, it would go to 79, 88, 97, and oh-six. And by the gods, it did. Speaking of the gods, the 27th is Goddess Diana Arteeus's special number, numerologically totalling up to 9, and back on the 27th of July, during my sieges that she hates these pricks 4 causing me, all locals to the Hammonton, New Jersey area, know, that she came around me like I have never seen her do in all my 51 &2/3 years of my life as Mountainpen, forgive the typo the other day, the spell checker on my blog at my other spot on My, did that. Anyway, Diana just pasdusk, was all over me, and I was all over her, she made me happier than I ever have been on this terrible Earth, in all my many existances throughout the 4th and the 5th dimensions. Thank you Babyblond, I love you so much girl. I know U love to tease your little boy, U luscious teen queen giant beauty, when your girlfriend took me to the soda shop in the great city back when I was dreaming it was Easther Sunday of the year 2K1, you had so much fun when U figured out that I was projected so to speak as the great Robert Monroe, would put it, and did not know who or where I was, disoriented and all that, and the way that U came over and stared down at me with those unfathomably deliscious eyes of yours, and that breathtaking long bright canary yellow hair, all I knew was that I never wanted U 2 leave me and go away, and I am so sorry that I did not speak up and tell you how I felt, but now, I do know that you were indeed aware that I was totally discombobulated and out of it, as I had fallen out of my Earth dream and was a bit disconnected from anything at that point, I was being shown the proper way 2 carry a surfboard by your friend, and when we walked a ways from where we had started, she said 2 me,"Let me stop in here a seck 2 C my friend Diana." I will always luv U Diana, and thank you more than words can ever say for coming to me as U did on your number, the 27th. It was just as though a kid was flipping a light switch off and on over and over again, for well over a solid hour, with your beautiful multicolored streamers and ribbons racing accross the dark night skies. No one is anywhere near as beautiful as U, my lovely queen. Let the 6th dimension through this computer's cyberspce, tell U that I cannot go on much longer here without U. Some day I know you will come to me in a human form, if I must B stuck forever in this nightmare Earth dream.
My loyal Morians, thank U for putting up with my short message to my lovely lightning goddess, D.A. , as she means everything 2 me. I want 2 tell U now that the Lamist Cult or really, better said, the LAMIST ORGANIZATION, as I have actually heard it referred to as by one of them, needs be discussed a wee bit now, but first, a quick typo was made when on a prior blog I was talking about going with my mom to a hotel in AC, NJ, the great TRAYMORE HOTEL, that all locals, and most non-locals know of, a once very famous landmark, that the dummies tore down, showing how America shows her respect for its history IMHO, {in my humble opinion}, if this 90's internet expression is still valid and in existance, but back to point, I said that SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE's name number is 30/465, and it is. 30 is the total of letters in all of her great lovely names, and 1+2+3+4+5+6+7...30 does in fact = up to 465. This 465 when turned into numerical dating system, is April of 65, and I was not here as Mountainpen in 1865, nor will poor old Mountainpen B here, hopefully the gods, in 2065, so only the 19 or the twentieth century-65 is relavent 4 me, hence April of 1965 or 4/65, is when Sarah got the Traymore 2 do whatever needed B done @ get mom and me 2 come over 2 her street, and 2 the Trinidad Motel. The error in my blog stated 4/64 if memory is serving me over the ettos hack, the great RR, or Reagans Revenge, which I do not dare presently go into nor admit anything about, regarding a machine that I built in the mid-'80's, and used, many times to the detriment of a major enemy, and mister pres-37, was one, as he started all this [Earthly persecution] on me, not that I am not in eternal Hell, long before and long after, this idiot ever came onto the scene. Back 2 the lamists: The jerk off bully back on Tuesday the first of August, here at this very library branch where I now sit and peck away on little square keys, WAS A FREAKING LAMIST. So is Mayor Levy of AC, NJ, and so is Mrs. L. The prior mayor, Langford was not, but Whaelon and Ussery both were. It was this very time on the calendar, within one lousy day, back 10 frickin' years ago, just 2 weeks after my Sarah Karge, turned 100 years of age, that my poor mom was terroristically threatened at the 'then' TURNERSVILLE PATHMARK STORE. They get rid of all the things that were landmarks that I tell the world where shit happens to me at, even the Traymore, as this was what led to the most powerful incident in my entire life, my meeting the great all mighty, here in the human fleshworlds. They also in like manner, got rid of the Pathmark grocery store, in Turnersville, New Jersey. Anyway, this threat was made to my mom and me on the 2nd day of August, in 1996, just a few months after my writting the song SARAH, about my lovely queen. They did not like any part of my trying to get the song recorded, let alone more than that, getting a once huge star to sing it, Mister Billy Harner, the locals in my area knew him as the [human perculator], one helluva super cool dude. They certainly did not ever want the song 2 get any airplay, but it did, on WVLT radio in Vineland, New Jersey, as one dude, [George and George] as he called himself, would call every week and request the song to B played, and so it was. It even made it for one week to the number one spot on country music charts, in the independent music system, which if you ever saw a published [pie-chart], from those who should know, the great BMI, as only ASCAP and BMI are the 2 biggest royalty collecting agents in the entire global music industry, and by their pie chart, independent music makes up more than half of the major recording labels all put together, so don't sneeze at my minimal success. I paid federal taxes on musical royalties, and collected small royalties from 1998 when WVLT started airing SARAH, up until it slowed to a trickle of pocket change about 1 and 1/2 years ago, a helluva nice little run!!! I wrote Sarah, the song, on the 12th day of May of 1996, and my search and quest to locate my lovely teen queen super girl, was less than a year old. There is so much 2 tell all of U regarding this, and I'll get 2 it all, but first, gotta admit that it is a bit weird that August 1, of 2006, ten years later to the day except for 24 hours, and I am physically threatened again. If this dude keeps messing with me, it'll B his funeral, as I already have put 2 dudes in the big house for illegally efing with me, over the years.
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