Friday, August 25, 2006

Morianity Bible The Epilogue

Enemies, who R they? They are any situation made up of a pure energy that is unidentifiable by mortal man as yet in 2K6. Anything, anyone, any possible situation, causing U or me, more harm than good, more bad and sad than happy, U get the idea, this is ‘the enemy’ and Christians can use one or a group of several names when referring to this enemy, but I say only, ‘the ENEMY’.

My friends in the real estate and travel game, and one in particular, is looking into where I need to go in the world, where I can reduce the evil effects of this enemy, and B able simultaneously to live and exist on my fixed social security income. Until then, still from here, I will direct U to follow the MB after U read the epilogue, by clicking onto the second blog, called [ MORIANITY FOUNDATION ].

A child can C that has been faithfully following MORIANITY, and knows what I go through with these rotten runtslapping subskummites, , that for the past 3 weeks, these dirtballs have put my puny pathetic little fatass through a hell that would be uncontionable even for Adolph Hitler, himself, and I mean this. No human without outer influence, by his or her self, even Mr. Hitler, could ever B this totally cruel to another whom wears the same coat of flesh as they do!!!!!

This is obviously Y the stock stinking market has been getting its way, and the Phillies kept from ever getting into the wildcard. When they get close, 1,2, or 3 games back GB so to speak from winning position, the enemy POURS ON THE FRIGGIN ROCKCHUCKING PERSECUTION, AND STOPS THEM DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS EVERY SINGLE BUNTTAPPING TIME. They made yesterday, the 24th of August, a horrific hell, major chopper attacks, over my residence, following me to the Hammonton Wall Mart, U name it, they efed with me. But I am not even starting to tell what they do 2 me on weekends @ my security job post. The aerial persecution is major and constant, and many strange and spurious occurrences are the norm for me. Someone in government circles, another famous ‘promise breaking story I can endlessly tell’, reniged and would not do something promised me earlier, that they would have someone actually sit with me and C 4 themselves, the shitsapookna that I must endure at the hands of these knockpuckers. No, just leave me out in the cold to fend 4 myself, and endlessly suffer in a hell that U simply put, could never even fathom for all the pick six lotto numbers in the winning pool.

Last Saturday morning on this job post around one and a half of the clock, give or take a quarter hour, I had a real honest to the gods UFO situation, and this never was witnessed by me before, not like this. Any craft flying in the air, that U don’t know who and what it is, is by definition, an unidentified flying object, but though in the past 22 years or so give or take, I have seen some mildly bizarre crap up in the sky, this happening could have an entire book written about it, and if I lie, I accept full pain and penalty of perjury, an any and all punitation that this material world, and all astral worlds, both transdimensionally and interdimensionally, can ever throw at me, on top of all my hell, that exists 4 me, endlessly and forever. Most will not believe a word that I will now speak unto U. If I sat U down and said that I want 2 tell U something, but will never believe me, and U kept insisting that U will believe me, then I would say 2 U, if U do not believe me in a little thing that I say, does it not prove and verify that U will not believe the bigger thing? Then U may say, what little thing am I not believing? I then would respond, “when I tell U that U won’t believe what I say. Think about it, there is magic energy in doubting, just as magical energies exist in this short pun. In any event, out of nowhere, a loud and ver low chopper with many bright and numerously colored lights shinning around both in circles, as well as straight downward at the ground, and it hovered and circled around me making several loud and spurious passes directly over me and my car, as I work out of my car, and will, until the boss builds us a guardhouse, which is a plan in work at present. Aniwho, rabies and germs, morians and lessians, I feel the need to state again to all of my readers, or maybe just to an empty cyberspace, that what follows next, has, nor won’t soon have, nor B able to yield an Earthly explanation. After ten minutes of fudging with me, it flew off the the north and towards the city of Hammonton. I followed it with the naked eye as long as I thought I would B able 2 do so. After 3 or 4 minutes, it appeared to stop dead in its tracks and just hover over the city area, moving back and forth east and west over slighter distances, and eventually just totally stopping dead, but shinning its lights brighter and brighter, and the colors faded a bit due to distance, but still were visible to the naked eye. I keep a tape recorder at all times, and was logging the event or so I thought I was, on a cassette tape, but it never came ot. A brand new store bought tape, recording on a new and recently cleaned with isopropal alcohol and demagnetization cassette, had wrapped up in the capstan mechanism of the tape machine, and I was talking only to myself, not friggin recording anything, later my watched gained 45 minutes over the course of an hour, and an explosion sound was heard when I started my car, but the mechanic on the following Monday, again and as usual, could find no Earthly reason for it, nor a thing mechanically wrong with the auto other than its being old and crying out for a good car-christian burial. R U ready 4 the big one Mister Fred Sanford????? After 20 minutes from when the chopper flew off and stopped bothering and circling me, dead zenith above me, it became, yes BECAME, a pulsar star of the heavens, in fact the bright one that we all C pn clear nights, that if U stare at it, flashes with every color in the rainbow, and is bright and in varying luminous intensity. The star itself, which is an astral city called HYDRAGLACIA, far beyond the province of Olympia on the Astral Plane, literally came to me in the shape and sound of a military helicopter, and then within less than ½ of a human hour, traversed thousands of light years of distance, and returned to being the astral city again. All physical plane stars, are huge cities with great populations in the trillions, on astral realms, and if enough citizens decide to all with a particular piece of interaction of 5-D HS, it can, and now I know this 4 a fact. I also know with the same absolute knowledge and ferver, and total certainty, that an ETTOSIAN force is behind my not getting one person, not 1 lousy person with clout, who sees a huge lawsuit in all of this, after scanning through MB. These enemies of mine all have very deep pockets, and have committed uncontionable acts of violence, property damage, social and human destruction, against me, an totally pathetic whittle innocent victim, as I swear to the gods that I never did anything 2 any one 2 deserve this, B real, if they had something big on me, legitimately, I would have long been sued for libel and slander, and prosecuted criminally. I’ve done nothing, I’m guilty of no more than being a victim of some atrocious low-ego emission cult activity. Art Bell, who now is retired, said on Philadelphia talk radio, the big talker 1210 Amplitude Modulation, on 1.21 megahertz, that there R bored-2-tears people especially in the Los Angelos, Cally area of the USA, that get approached by ‘someone, most likely fortune tenners, and all fortune 10 through 50 are LAMIST CULTERS, and they get shown ways of really playing evil games and hurting people, that have been targeted for their amusement and pleasure, nothing personal, to harass and persecute us. The few of us in the large population, know who indeed we R. Medical conditions that cannot be diagnosed come to U and all those around U deer to U, major constant interference with radio or TV, computer operations, anything electrical and mechanical always seems to go wrong and or act up in some way, people mess with U on the road way more than the average driver is messed with, all products U normally buy in stores get harder to get as flashmobs buy the stuff that U like up, the list goes literally on and on, but again, we of the harassed, know who we are, and we are not RANDOMIZED JOESHMO SYNDROME CASES. The black cloud over our heads is being put there by the filthy dirty lowlife trash that are referred to in MORIANITY BIBLE by their true cult name of LAMIST. Dark Shadows refers 2 them precisely, but changes the name to LEVIATHINS, it still got the greatest soap show of all time cancelled, so who really’s got the power, huh, who love’s ya, Telly????

They threw me off of MYSPACE.COM, if I ain’t mistaken. I was told I do not seem to B there by some acquaintances, and 2-day, upon looking myself, I only get a strange pop-up screen when I put in my code and E-mail info. Gonna write to civil liberties, this will play right into my hands, once I indeed do confirm that I am not legally permitted to tell my true story when others are allowed, and I am expressing religious beliefs and telling of horrific deeds that have been done 2 me, that totally are in violation of law, my civil liberties, and constitutional rights, as a citizen born in the United States of America. I have done nothing wrong, first I am interested only in women well beyond the legal age, multiply it by 3 quite realistically, and I do not support anything subversive, antigovernment, violent, or terroristic. Taken out of contest, anybodys damn words and message can be misconstrued and misunderstood. One example is when I say on a chapter somewhere in July I believe, that if U actually knew what I did for a fact the way that I do, concerning and regarding the Lamists, you would go out and obliterate them, and u would. I have seen mob lynchings, and 2006 is no more civilized than 1806, it is just way more regulated, way less free, and much closer to when mister Lewis and mister Clark made the Louisiana purchase. There is no runt slapping humor here babywuv, I’m dead-ass serious. No one has any legal right to shut me up or shut me down, and I will fucking take this all the way Supreme Court before the 9 Justices, I’m not playing. U will not stop me, as I am doing no wrong, wrong is being constantly done 2 me, and I have every right to try and get it exposed 2 the world.

Lamists R the 1’s that should B thrown the Christ into jail, not innocents, and poor weak frail persons like me, with no resources in the world to fight these dick in the mouths back on their level, in this very Unfair and Unlevel playing field of this land of FAKE JUSTICE, real only for the rich, right Jack McCoy????????? So MB is now over, but my attempts to begin my MORIANITY FOUNDATION, have only just begun, Ms. Carpenter. Luv is for more than her great Sarah-Stacey, your son taught us 200 decades ago, it should B 4 all of us, as in your great city where love flows free, and no one would think of using words like orgey. Your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Krassle, told me many times, there R no marriages in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, we all love all. Yet they turn around and chase me away from my beautiful lovely queen, and then your kid calls the human pharasees a bunch of hypocrites, geesh, I guess I am not yet old enough to understand a lot of things, I am only eternity. Well, anyway, click on MORIANITY FOUNDATION, to read my next blog, after going of course to, and you’ll watch something grow, bigger than a forest of Redwood trees. Someday, all I need will B 1 person with power and clout who has niceness and goodness in their isness of being somewhere, instead of trumpism, reaganism, and lamistism, all 3 very wide astral highways that lead straight to regions in Dogtown , a place U do not want any part of, across the great Teck Bay, from the great city of the great Queen Sarah-Stacey. A final footnote that my guru brought 2 my attention 3 weeks ago, and must B now cleared up. He said that many people may get the idea that I am an internet perv or predator, whatever, just since I am old, and talk so much about ‘teen-queens’. I reminded him, as I now remind both my Morians and my Lessians alike, do the friggin math for the sake of the gods. My teen queens are the women of today, the grandmothers, they were teens when your stupid calendar was treading [the sixties], get your minds out of the sewers of France, I am no perv, and am no more interested in women much under 60, than I am interested in eating loose dog shit. Cut me a break, please, and then go to the MORIANITY FOUNDATION, and this is 25 August of 2K6, so remember, it is just starting. Happy Hacker reading and keep driving on parkways and parking on driveways, and watch out for ettosianism, the original STAR TREK creator, MR. G.R. knew this was real, and got it all in through the back doocalling the aliens pertaining to what I am talking about, the Talosians, happy 40th anniversary Trekkors, Trek on, rock on, and enemies beware, I will get all of U, and legally and properly, but like the swiffer mop, I will get you, get you, get u, and that is a promise that you may B forwarned of right now.

By By for now, big KAL>

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Chapter 50 The Big Hawaii 50, and I Tried My Morians, a low hah ha, With Jokes all On Me

Morianity is over now, and there will not B further writings, the great SSJKK just whispered in my ear, that I am 2 tell what has been told, and I have. It is now over. The world will not need to know any more at this point, and in fact, it currently is so dumbed down, that all of the MORIANITY BIBLE, is but a big blurr to the entire human race. There are other things I must now do, one of which is to prepare for a long and permanent trip out and away from where I currently reside, either South America or some Pacific or even Atlantic island.

The main story has been told, and it is all true so help me the gods. I am no longer playing their game, their most recent one, let's fuck with the little dick head on the computer. I will just state that the MORIANITY BIBLE has served a cosmic purpose, that the human race is unaware of at this time. Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle has given me permission to put a back cover on this book.

None of the evil Lamist Culters have seen the last of me. I will dedicate the rest of time to their total and complete destruction and obliteration, and all through perfectly legal channels.

My family proves that the old italian blood thicker than water is something that only italians really respect and live by. Therefore the itallian race has my total respect. They are the truly greatest race of people living on this Earth, I salute all of you.

My evil family rats are lamist culters, twisted trash. When your own R against U, it no longer matters if others R 4 or against U. Interesting, is it not, the person most veheminantly against competitiveness and olympian cotests and power challenges, is always seemingly all about 4 and against, always spouting off on that. I respond with a simple, so sue me, nobody's perfect. I do try, and that is more than the great vast majority of those whom I know, who breeze through this life, never try anywhere as hard as I do, yet all the good life just jumps into their faces, while only loose elephant shit gets hosed into mine.

2 many people have 2 much control and power, and 2 many have been scared or paid, or threatened off, as I know how being efen threatened feels. Both 2 days ago and ten years ago, it's no fun, it's hell, and this is why the skumbag Lamists thrive on these tactics of intimidation. Many lamists are not Earth chaptered, U could B one and not even know that U R.

As 2 anyone dumb enough 2 think for a second, that I am one bit concerned for your crummy city down there in East Jersey by the sea, you R so brutally mistaken, it is pathetic. Mr. M, I am not after your rotten stuck up wife, and you can have my ex coke head, non-super girl friend, ms. Helen Z. She is all yours, she is a sugar daddy, as R most all women.

I do not care about any of U, and plan 2 move far away from all of U sick monstrous twisted people. U can all burn in firey H E L L !!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 49 Just Call Me Poor-Whittle Ugly Old Joe Shmo

My guru friend Ed told me about the old cartoon comic character called Joe Shmo, the dude with the eternal black cloud hanging over his head, and there it was, everywhere he went, whatever he would do, and only he seemed to get rained on perpetually, no one else, except of course for the normal and accepted amounts of negatives that life naturally deals to us all. Anywho, my guru and I had a small falling out early inJuly over the major hacking that I get, but I blew his mind with one thing that even he was not able to chalk off as my paranoia. Look, I am paranoid, and U 2 would B if U had 2 endure what I go through every single friggin day of my pathetic miserable existance. I did not say life, as it is not life. My hell is SUB-VAMPIRIC EXISTANCE, and that's all it is!!!!!!!!!! When he learned about what happened 2 me over the past weekend on my job site where I'm employed as a security officer, with the 'otherwise normally friendly dog, by the name of 'JULY', by the way, but in hispanic language, pronounced [ who-lee-oh], which in this language means the great emporer of olden days Rome, and where our month of July comes from, as he created a new calendar. Later after his time, the Gregorian calendar was conceived of by the great Prince Gregory, and 13 months are now the 12 months, one to each represent an individual tribe of the Isrealites. 7 and 12, the great SSJKK's 2 numbers, could have a book the size of the Britannica Encyclopedia written on them. Where can I begin? Later I'll tell U-all just a bit more, but 4 right now, I must tell U this.

Notice how they broke my car stereo, costing me 50 bucks to have the warrantied replacement model re-installed at Circuit City of Deptford, NJ, Electronic Department store. Then the huge rest of the weekend milituforce death siege that these hammerwads put me through, and then the horiffic huge bulley-teen slob that harassed me while doing no more than leaving this library where today I am back at. I will not allow these fisheyed Estherfools to intimidate me, as I said before, U damn turds'll have to kill me, and guess what Doncan, America my run on U, but like U, but with slightly altered rules in the reality of the situation, I do not die and stay dead, so LOL, and I do not mean loving on line. U'll need all the luck and then more than all the energy in this entire downlined reality which is just SSJKK's upline thoughtwave, and with all of that, U cannot eliminate me, F U D G Y A. Here is what I started 2 tell u the other day on prior blogianity, but as I tend 2 do a lot, I get off on a tangent, and not realize until reading my printouts at home at a later part of the 4th dimension, that I had totally forgotten to complete the main point that I was talking 2 U about. Funny how the lawtrons, just as I now begin to go on with the story, the security guard here at the library that is part of the story, and reason for another [3rd] flying to the moon week on their dirthole stock manipulated ICPE-TEK market, just walked by my place here at the computer, and I know it was a bit of intimidation, as she never on my 5 or so of my times here, walks this particular aisle along this particular wall. So after the huge black sumo teen scared me out of a years shrinkage, not growth, as I am knee high to a tad-pole, any-who, I told her what happened, and she would not do one thing, woudn't even speak to me, what am I for crissake, chopped eyed peas and livercuts? Her job is to address my complaint, not to try to tackle the huge misbehaving teens on the outside benches, but 2 at least call the Constaples On Patrol of Winslow Township, NJ. But instead, she pulls a Mayor Bob Levy on me, like the day I told U-all's about in the Atlantic Ocean, where in 1997, we were out body-surfing, along with a couple other lifeguards, and when I asked him a question regarding Sarah Callio Martino, he gives me the cold shoulder, the smerk, and the package of pure hostility, all wrapped up into one big pile of loose turtle manure. I knew he knew her, as the huge flood of a foot of rain that swallowed up parts of New Jersey, producing a foot of rain in the great city on humanworld planes, Atlantic City, NJ, [A C, N J]. During a Jersey TV Channel broadcast showing all the problems that the flood had caused the area, he was standing right outside the friggin' water company,their website is They had him intentionally right there, as they all knew that we swam and body-surfed out in the ocean. I had previously been nosing around the area and asking lots of people about Sarah, even the famous Frailenger's employee lady that they all know, Queenie, as we and all the locals called her, cool choice for a nickname, and I had gone into Robert McGuires shit hole to ask a few things, in fact my exact words to him were, "I am looking to find Sarah Karge, to reminiss about the old days here on Tennessee Avenue back in the 60's". It was out of a movie how he treated me, demading my ID, and he made a photocopy of it, and it is all way 2 upsetting to further go into at this time, but backl to my point with the library's security officer, the young pretty but very hostile black chick who treated me so bad, when I was the foooooin' victim in all of this for my 62nd grand-daddy's sake. U know he and I can both walk on top of a surface made from two elements of hydrogen and one element of oxygen, and one of these days, if no other way can B found 4 me to get help and recognition regarding these evil bastards that R putting me through this viscious eternal hell, I swear to all the stinking astral realm gods, even Mr. Krassle himself, the great NeptuneJupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious, that I will go to the great mirror of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, [AC, NJ], and go out into the water and run around on top of it all day, until every stinking TV station in the country is all over the story. U pricks want real war with me, then just bring it on ya dindong hammer blowhards!!!!!!

My complaint to the library system got attention, HA HA HA. Even though they win in long run play with this horiffic siegehell, me out 50 bucks and bullied, and even beaten up a bit by a resident of Dogtown, vacationing on the Earth 4 a little while, the stock market naturally goes flying up. U know by now Mr, B. Joel, how it all works, just harass and persecute poor innocent whittle me, and up goes Dow Jones, and lose,lose,lose, for the Philadelphia Phillies ballclub, of course I no longer feel badly 4 them, they had their chance to reverse their, and my, curse, and laughed and ignored me, well, tough navy beans 4 them and mister Carl Allen. Eddie Himacane, as I have nick named my computer guru, is a believer, after the incident with the dog, and sooner or later, more things will B witnessed, and more people also will start 2 C all this shitkapunai, they can only do this 2 a point, and oneday when they least think it ever could possibly heppen, nuclear B O O M - B O O M, and thermonuclear B A N G, they'll all B caught, and friggin' screwed, and I will be a multi frickin' billionaire, as these pricks all have very very deep pockets.

I errored on priblog on my 9 year cycle telling of July 12th of 1970, 1977, 1988, 1997, and 2006, I said the interaction of July 12, 1996, and that was an ettosian not Brian/Brain attack. I meant to say the dream of July 12, 1997, and adding 7 years starting at July 12, of '70, it would go to 79, 88, 97, and oh-six. And by the gods, it did. Speaking of the gods, the 27th is Goddess Diana Arteeus's special number, numerologically totalling up to 9, and back on the 27th of July, during my sieges that she hates these pricks 4 causing me, all locals to the Hammonton, New Jersey area, know, that she came around me like I have never seen her do in all my 51 &2/3 years of my life as Mountainpen, forgive the typo the other day, the spell checker on my blog at my other spot on My, did that. Anyway, Diana just pasdusk, was all over me, and I was all over her, she made me happier than I ever have been on this terrible Earth, in all my many existances throughout the 4th and the 5th dimensions. Thank you Babyblond, I love you so much girl. I know U love to tease your little boy, U luscious teen queen giant beauty, when your girlfriend took me to the soda shop in the great city back when I was dreaming it was Easther Sunday of the year 2K1, you had so much fun when U figured out that I was projected so to speak as the great Robert Monroe, would put it, and did not know who or where I was, disoriented and all that, and the way that U came over and stared down at me with those unfathomably deliscious eyes of yours, and that breathtaking long bright canary yellow hair, all I knew was that I never wanted U 2 leave me and go away, and I am so sorry that I did not speak up and tell you how I felt, but now, I do know that you were indeed aware that I was totally discombobulated and out of it, as I had fallen out of my Earth dream and was a bit disconnected from anything at that point, I was being shown the proper way 2 carry a surfboard by your friend, and when we walked a ways from where we had started, she said 2 me,"Let me stop in here a seck 2 C my friend Diana." I will always luv U Diana, and thank you more than words can ever say for coming to me as U did on your number, the 27th. It was just as though a kid was flipping a light switch off and on over and over again, for well over a solid hour, with your beautiful multicolored streamers and ribbons racing accross the dark night skies. No one is anywhere near as beautiful as U, my lovely queen. Let the 6th dimension through this computer's cyberspce, tell U that I cannot go on much longer here without U. Some day I know you will come to me in a human form, if I must B stuck forever in this nightmare Earth dream.

My loyal Morians, thank U for putting up with my short message to my lovely lightning goddess, D.A. , as she means everything 2 me. I want 2 tell U now that the Lamist Cult or really, better said, the LAMIST ORGANIZATION, as I have actually heard it referred to as by one of them, needs be discussed a wee bit now, but first, a quick typo was made when on a prior blog I was talking about going with my mom to a hotel in AC, NJ, the great TRAYMORE HOTEL, that all locals, and most non-locals know of, a once very famous landmark, that the dummies tore down, showing how America shows her respect for its history IMHO, {in my humble opinion}, if this 90's internet expression is still valid and in existance, but back to point, I said that SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE's name number is 30/465, and it is. 30 is the total of letters in all of her great lovely names, and 1+2+3+4+5+6+7...30 does in fact = up to 465. This 465 when turned into numerical dating system, is April of 65, and I was not here as Mountainpen in 1865, nor will poor old Mountainpen B here, hopefully the gods, in 2065, so only the 19 or the twentieth century-65 is relavent 4 me, hence April of 1965 or 4/65, is when Sarah got the Traymore 2 do whatever needed B done @ get mom and me 2 come over 2 her street, and 2 the Trinidad Motel. The error in my blog stated 4/64 if memory is serving me over the ettos hack, the great RR, or Reagans Revenge, which I do not dare presently go into nor admit anything about, regarding a machine that I built in the mid-'80's, and used, many times to the detriment of a major enemy, and mister pres-37, was one, as he started all this [Earthly persecution] on me, not that I am not in eternal Hell, long before and long after, this idiot ever came onto the scene. Back 2 the lamists: The jerk off bully back on Tuesday the first of August, here at this very library branch where I now sit and peck away on little square keys, WAS A FREAKING LAMIST. So is Mayor Levy of AC, NJ, and so is Mrs. L. The prior mayor, Langford was not, but Whaelon and Ussery both were. It was this very time on the calendar, within one lousy day, back 10 frickin' years ago, just 2 weeks after my Sarah Karge, turned 100 years of age, that my poor mom was terroristically threatened at the 'then' TURNERSVILLE PATHMARK STORE. They get rid of all the things that were landmarks that I tell the world where shit happens to me at, even the Traymore, as this was what led to the most powerful incident in my entire life, my meeting the great all mighty, here in the human fleshworlds. They also in like manner, got rid of the Pathmark grocery store, in Turnersville, New Jersey. Anyway, this threat was made to my mom and me on the 2nd day of August, in 1996, just a few months after my writting the song SARAH, about my lovely queen. They did not like any part of my trying to get the song recorded, let alone more than that, getting a once huge star to sing it, Mister Billy Harner, the locals in my area knew him as the [human perculator], one helluva super cool dude. They certainly did not ever want the song 2 get any airplay, but it did, on WVLT radio in Vineland, New Jersey, as one dude, [George and George] as he called himself, would call every week and request the song to B played, and so it was. It even made it for one week to the number one spot on country music charts, in the independent music system, which if you ever saw a published [pie-chart], from those who should know, the great BMI, as only ASCAP and BMI are the 2 biggest royalty collecting agents in the entire global music industry, and by their pie chart, independent music makes up more than half of the major recording labels all put together, so don't sneeze at my minimal success. I paid federal taxes on musical royalties, and collected small royalties from 1998 when WVLT started airing SARAH, up until it slowed to a trickle of pocket change about 1 and 1/2 years ago, a helluva nice little run!!! I wrote Sarah, the song, on the 12th day of May of 1996, and my search and quest to locate my lovely teen queen super girl, was less than a year old. There is so much 2 tell all of U regarding this, and I'll get 2 it all, but first, gotta admit that it is a bit weird that August 1, of 2006, ten years later to the day except for 24 hours, and I am physically threatened again. If this dude keeps messing with me, it'll B his funeral, as I already have put 2 dudes in the big house for illegally efing with me, over the years.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Chapter 48 The August Assault Strikes Me Again

Believe me or not, I am standing at a cicuit city car stereo repair and instal location. I am here, as U know, because skuzbucket otammites punished me for getting my dream back, to use your forward mortal language, while at my work site, not side, typo from last chapter. Also, I was telling U about the 7 mannina kalpa [MK] system, working in both BC and AD calendar years, and lost it when they hacked my 5 minute reminder window from popping up. We will get to that, but first, after finishing my long blog chapter yesterday, I was brutally assalted by a large heavy muscular tall young african american dude, and all I did was walk out of the library building and mind my own business, and the dude is not only cursing at me, the F word was not spared, and he said that my pants don't go down to my shoes, just like I just got done saying this exact crap on the chapter 47 blog, not one hour back. This total bulley jerk off violated my CIVIL, HUMAN, AND CONSTITUTIONAL rights. When I told the lady security officer for the library, the camden county Atco,NJ branch, also an african american, as many Lamists R, nothing offensive meant, just stating facts, their Rostafarian movement has parts and folds in it that R part of LAMIST chapters. An old record promoter from 1980 AD, was one, and screwed with me bad, and was always calling me a George Jefferson white-boy racial slur, and I never would think of doing that to any of them, my godsdamn mother raised up a gentleman, and I'm damn proud of her, a godsly woman.

I will B calling the Atco branch of C.C L. to complain to ms.N.B., the manager, as I do not permit at my age, unchallenged verbal abuse by these enemies, I will stand up for my frikin' rights, even though I was not about to ef around with that teenaged sumo-wrestler type, yesterday. Obviously, 'they', did not like my long and detailed blog yesterday, nor did the evil empire and its evil ICPE TRILOGY. F U L L R I G H T E O U S E M P I R E, yesterday, and a big HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I rode my bike on the boardwalk many times in 1970, every time I got to Central Pier, and the Callio-controlled Lamist-cult area of stronghold, large afro-ams big mean dudes, and their whole families, hanging out at the railing of the boardwalk, would curse and jeer at me, every single time that I rode by. I did nothing to these miserable bunt tapping rock chuckers, yet they were totally hellfrigginbent on making my poor frail little life just as miserable as they possibly could, and what did I ever fooookin' do to any of them, just tell me somebody, what did I ever do 2 any of you dooshwad runtflappers?

Now to tell U that I made a little typo the other day, and told U that I killed my brother 63 centuries ago, I meant 64, as U know the 3 and the 4 are next to each other on the keypad. Minnina-kalpas are one form of a mutually agreed upon measurement of groupings of shared bunches of interactions, on astral planes, as here physically, time is measured in the relativeness to the body in motion in space that U R on, relative to all other bodies in spaces's motions. Astrally, time is more measured by types of agreed upon interactions of things, a more liquid type of the thing mortals think of as time. Sarah-Stacey has her 2 powerful and magical numbers, 7 and 12. Her sabbath day after 6 days to create the world, and her 7th to rest, and the famous 12 tribes of Judah, her chosen people, that endlessly broke one contract and agreement with her, after another, bible word used for contract is covenant. Since roughly one minnina-kalpa is 888 earth years in a long run comparitor averaging type of methodology, there and here, not that there is really there, nor here is really here. Don't go there with me yet, you simply do not wanna know 2 much more on that today, friggin' trust me!!!! Since Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, and her number 7 has numerous powerful astral realm significances, here is how the before Christ or B.C, and the after Christ, or the A.D., standing for [in the year of our lord, or anno dominay, or however it's frikin spelled, never got better than C or D grades in school for spelling, it is lousy. But if George Burns did not take off for spelling from little Tracey in the 'Oh God' movie from the late 70's, and the hollywood spelling is no longer in his AAron dream sequence here in physicallity, don't punish and insult me for my rotten spelling abilities, my message is what is urgent and important, don't judge me and my blog for its stupid spelling and typos and ettosian fooook-ups, please. These are the BC and AD years in astral plane [MK], minnina-kalpas, showing U that I did this horrible murder to poor bro Able, about 6400 years ago, so sue me, SSJKK already punished the living shit ouda me!!!!!!! Did 22 MK at Dogtown Paddlebox P.S for that 1. So the 7 years of interest in both the past and the future, referenced to the approximate time of the birth of our Lord, my wonderful 62nd granddaddy, are as follows: 888 1776 2664 3552 4440 5328 and 6216, and nearly 6400 years to this day, I did, in my true beingness, commit this murder. SSJKK promised me, and this is not anywhere 2 B found in known scriptures, that because I loved Diana, her cousin, she will still punish me in Dogtown, but will not destroy the world for 7 MK back and 7MK ahead of the sending of Jesus to our world-plane, and begin the biggest game of numerous gods, that man calls 'salvation'. She also promised me that I would live my life as Kane Abidingdio Alamhesh Rhubinstein, and die in physical form as this worldly part of my beingness, but that my dreams will B even worse than my life, and she reminded me that this is where I truly reside and exist in my beingness, and that I'd have to B sent to Dogtown. However, she would come and get me out of there personally in 22MK. However, a game was played amongst astral authorities one long hot night, and I had just fininshed hewing down one of trillions of 3000 acre lots of huge strong thick weeds, in 130 degree heat with 20 suns beating down upon me. Cubitars are the real ASTRAL measurments of land areas, and what is considered in USA EARTH physical life to be a plot of 3 Kilo acres, is one cubitar, and we all had to do 1 cubitar every Dogtown day, a period of roughly 50 earthtime physical hours in length. Anyway, the game involved prisoners agreeing to sentences of 1 to 3 eleven MK's, as U have the option there to split it up, U ain't goin' nowhere, as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL will C 2 that, believe me. Anywho, you can play a sort of dice game of similar to red/black in humanworld roulette, and if it is red, your sentence doubles, if you get a black, you get the famous 'get outa jail free card' I managed to B quite lucky, and left Dogtown early, and I still think that my lovely teen-queen fixed the wheel, as she was there that night. She often leaves her great city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, to go with her father to Krassleville, and occassionally she wonders through Dogtown, a terrible place, but she still does come here. She fixed the wheel IMHO, and got 2 take me literally, the hell ouda there.

As 2 Y my hell in these down-way Earthrealm dreams, soon. I will tell U-all much more, secrets of terrible things I probable should never admit that I did, not only as me, but as many others in the great HS. But remember, the magic here, is that I am totally aware of things that I know that U R totally unaware of, and some of the secret is that everyone, all of us, we have all been everyone, we have all been in every possible and conceivable relationship with everyone, you have been everyone elses wife, husband, mother, father, son daughter, sister, brother, cousin, victim, murderer, and on and on infinitely, and the only reason that U may indeed find all this very difficult to believe and even to conceive, is that U currently have zero appreciation 2 a very simple and powerful reality: There are so many 4-dimensional reality/dimensions in all of fifth dimensional hyperspace [HS], that numbers like 1X10 to the 1000th power, do not start to tell how many different possible worlds exist all around the one that appears to U in the illusion, that U R locked into.

All I'll end with today is this: Both David Roth and myself, were literally STOPPED, from pursuing musical careers, and we have lots of talent, you'll just have to forgive the blatent and almost rude backslapping here, but I know I am good. I have had many many top top recarding stars and recording companies, blatently rip off many of my songs, by changing them around just enough to keep their thievery legal. Music is wat 2 powerful a message sender, if they hate my Blogianity so much, and their constant attacks prove that beyon all shit hole shadows of any doubt, think how they quiver in their slimy sleezy boots, at the mere potential chance for me 2 ever really succeed in any musical venture. Well, unsweet Lessians, if U knew my plans, you would be eating a slightly different chocolate pudding today, with a hose going mouth-to-ass, courtesy of the Callio Cesspool and Waterworks system, look them all up and C my enemies 4 the hellish witches and trasheaters they are, go to and enjoy puking, afterall, it'll just go down to their own drains, so by all means, make a generous donation 2 all these lovely people.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Chapter 47 The Cooking Channel Comes to Morianity

Did u know that u can have 2 batches of a stew cooking side by side on your stove, and if u add one ingredient to one, in order to maintain the exact taste in the other stew, u must now add the exact amount of the exact ingredient u just put into pot A. Even if 1000 complex ingredients in all sorts of pinch amounts are part of the recipe, add salt to pot A at the very end, but not to pot B, and the 2 stews will taste differently, all it took, was one small change, in an otherwise precise A/B mix so to speak. So how the H.E. Double Hockey sticks does that fit into the subject and wild and weird complexities of the Morianity Bible? Frighteningly monstrously simple friends and fiends. Our lovely nation is in the precise total duplication of the Roman Empire, all things basically that were going down with them, leading to their eventual fall and doom, are all going down with us here in the
good old US of A, that is for one thing they had that we do not have. They had what we here and now refer to Pagonistic religious belief systems, verses our beliefs in {one God{. Should what I totally know to be true, regarding the fact that our so-called one God, Jehovah of the bible, ever B exposed for being less than the truth to what is really going on with and around us homo sapiens, boom ding-dong crash zap pal, and Adam West Batman: we would then B doomed, and the salt would B added to the stew, the final ingredient of this scary mix, and then it's good-by to all of this.

The enemy gave me a nightmare weekend, a nightmare week, made July of oh six, the most horrific 31 day period in 51 and 2/3 years of my human Mountain pen life, as I know it in this physicality. U may wonder why I look younger than my years, yet am going through more stress than a US President during wartime and depression combined. And yes, that is not me long ago, just a year or so ago, when I went to a Kinkys to get my photo taken for a computer J-Picture Element Graphic, so I could use it on blogs or dating clubs, or wherever. My eye doctor a few years back said to me, "so tell me, how do U manage to look so ridiculously young?" I told him, a Dr. Reda, ofDelran, NJ, what I know will tell to this
Blogianity: Whatever I hate and do not want, is attracted into my proximity, and whatever I love or like, and do want, is repelled from my proximity, and both with clockwork precision, as I seemingly have power to literally speak things and events, people, places, things, and whatever, right into and out of existence. I love rain, it is sunny. I like to go and B left alone at the beach, and teen queens like Sarahs gang, even all through my forties, come up and flirt with me, none of this is one bit fucking natural, and I want to get old and die more than anything, just to get the hell outtahere, so what else but the reverse happens, I seemingly stay looking youthful and never seem to get to die. I know I have died, fatal heart attacks one recently at my work site, fatal auto crashes, electrocution, drowning, poisoning, I was shot to death, knifed to death right after Sarah turned 100 by worldly calendar system, and the list goes on and on and on.

Don't believe I am being messed with and hacked, huh? Then Y is even my computer guru, Mister Edwin Landhower Shometon, unable to get 2 the bottom of the blog on, the way some of the chapters in it are all weird and screwed up, half a line, one or two words on a line, something out of the "men from Saturn- Colony 888MK? Just look at it for Crissake! And we cannot ever stop it. These skun behind their evil {Wall Street} are totally behind making my life total hell, wrecking in totality, a persons' entire life, for no more reason other than their mercenary avericious, greedy, money-power thirsty, sic and
twisted personal gain, or their Gains, sweet little Donna!!!!! Yeah, I do not know where my 16 year old woman is Mister Burger, but Rado and Ragni, and their long HAIR, have a nightmare story to them that is unspeakable, leading straight to the WTC and the horrific 9/11 and how anyone can sleep at night profiting off this twisted inhumanity, through making billions on this movie, my tiny simple mind cannot crawl into that type of selfishness averishness. And then whom does the CIA, NSA, and other souper BFA's persecute, a loyal true Emmie-Aimy Blue Madonna blue, citizen, whose grandparents grandparents, friends of Ben Franklin, all together helped to frame this country and our constitution, our founding fathers. Funny that I actually knew my gramps, Mr. Sam Huntington very well 2 and 1/2 centuries ago, when I was Mr. Franklin. Hyperspacial existence is just too complicated to try and tackle today, as 2 much other shit needs B told today. I begin by taking this time
to sincerely thank the most wonderful and understanding lady on this sin-cursed ball of solid hurl, for helping me break the enemy hackers attempts to thwart my publishing and up-loading of my blog on 2 separate occasions. She is a very busy professional person, with far more, in an Earthly sense, important things to do and B concerned with, yet she dropped it all like a ten ton sack, to help me get my blog up-loaded, twice. Only her physical beauty slightly supercedes her inward beauty, and she will B nameless for reasons of protection. Cannot stop the all-knowing sixth dimension from knowing the omniscience of realities, but 4 the lower level enemies influenced ettosianically, to work underneath them, will insist on protecting her identity. Not all Lamistskum, as I've recently added a syllable to their named order, R anywhere near as powerful, as they would like for me to believe. Gods do not share that much with their cohorts and co-conspirators. They share an infinitesimal fraction of their power, with some of them, but always in an [interruption channel]or otherwise, the ion again/off again-ness of so-called outer worldly supernatural powers, could not keep their necessary [doubt factor], that these gods insist on, as
remember, they R us in this lower reality, and they do not wanna get onto the reality here, of whom they really R there, and especially the [impossibility of ever reaching oblivion] truths, to ever B within their human grasp, as they exist as and through us in our lower beingness.

I took a supernatural hellsiege from these twisted sick games playing gods over the weekend while trying my best to do a good job at my work side this past weekend. Just past nine and a half ante' meridian on Sunday morning, a huge poison kemtrail went over my site, just to
the west, spreading out and causing severe tonsillitis, which human world doctors, all under total etteosionic control and manipulation, will never remove my tonsils, so as to work as a conspiracy to keep me in physical discomfort and sometimes agony, ever since I turned
seventeen years old. These poisons in the cloud spread out and cause many different things to many different people, whatever and whomever the givers of this attack, are trying to hurt and in what way, is dependent on the type of poisonous kemtrail that these wicked bastards use up in the sky, or as I jokingly refer to the sky as SK----Y?, or Sarah Krassle, WHY? Y do U allow this evil dushwod subskummites to hurt your [that-boy]. so damn much, and can't U C that when I was younger down on your street in the 1960's, I did not mean to ever hurt U in any way, I loved U more than my life, ya ditsy teen queen. The first day
that U smiled at me when we were 10 years old, I was coming out of the Trinidad Motel on Tennessee Avenue, leaving the lobby at 6 AM to walk up to the ramp at the boardwalk so that I could rent a bicycle 4 a couple hours and ride the boards from Captain Starns to Longport, over and over. But all through the bike ride, and all day at the beach with my mom, and Ziggy, and all his buddies, it was U that I thought about, and your lovely smile, that would brighten up any rainy day. You only got more ravishing with every passing year as I saw U with your girlfriends, summer after summer, over a 5 year period, 1965-1968 at the motel, and then in '69 when I came down alone by bus to C my buddy Ziggy. The final year in '70 was when I was staying with your aunt Vicci's boyfriend, the bisexual whom molested me at his Cornwall Avenue property in Ventnor, NJ, the town to the south of AC, NJ. All winter long for nearly 10 months each year, I thought of nothing but U. Your special smile, that I am convinced other boys also must have seen, and written songs about, U have many admirers who have written songs about U. Mine only made it to the number one position in the independent country music charts in 1998, and for one week, when Linda Ronstadts' girlfriends song, knocked mine off. If U think for a second that I ever forgot U, nor did not love U, then U really do not know your [That-Boy], as well as you do when I am your huge dalmatian dog in your great city, Sahasra Dal Kanwal. Thank U so very much 4 taking me out of Dogtown, and fighting 2 keep me, with your very argumentative parents, as they have both made it well known to me, that they want me far away from U. They even totally made me forget U, shortly after the 70s came in, but U had other plans 4 me, right down to telling all of this 2 the world, and create a foundation someday called MORIANITY FOUNDATION. Also, U want me to write the MORIANITY BIBLE FOR MILLENNIUM THREE, and I follow your commands, my lovely teen queen, oh great goddess Jupiter, daughter of NeptuneJupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious. Your full names give U a name-number of 30, very special to me as time running backward in Hollywood showed me in his [Made in Heaven] movie in 1988. Also 30
when you total up all digits from one to thirty is 465, and month 4 in century twenty year of 64, or April/'65,,[4/65], is when the Traymore Hotel, in AC, NJ, cancelled my mom's reservations' that she had just made back in March of 1965, for our second year to stay there on our vacation, but U fixed it that gthe hotel in the area of our room, was
unavailable due to a renovation project or similar thing if memory properly is serving me over ettosian powers of confusion. So we just went down that late June day in 1965, hopped a cab, and told the cabby to take us to any place that he felt there may B a vacancy. Seems
he had a friend, Larry, a big black dude, super helluvanice guy, that was the bellhop for the Trinidad, and this is how it all began from there.

Back to my vicious weekend attack, milituforce all over me last week and weekend, choppers and planes, that kem that caused my painful tonsolitus that no one will fix, and I cannot get any lawyer to believe that a huge consperacy exists to keep me in constant pain and misery, it is straight fucking out of a mix of Steven King and Alfred Hitchkock combination,
or as will B referred in future blogs as the SKAHCO, for abbreviation, as it perfectly pronounces as well. Strange how Mr. King, distant cousin by the way to the late 'John', and big Paula, started his N&DS crap on when else but good ol' 12 July. The 3-9 life cycle needs B discussed too 4 a quick seck. 3,9,27,81, these are major periods where all human life cycles in ways that only all of U can C if U look carefully at your own lives. 27 is the number of electricity or the subatomic particle that we humans call the electron, as their R roughly six quintillion of these particles in one amperage {AMP} of electricity. Do not even try to grasp a number like this, as there are far less inches in a light year, even a parsec, than this. Anyway, about the siege at work, after the huge disapaiting kemtrail, came loud choppers and loud CIA/NSA planes, double decker planes, and on and on. After it
stopped, one of the workers, who always brings his dog with him, was driving around the place in a truck, and I saw his Great Dane dog, and as I always do, get out to pet him, and say hi. The bitch turned on me, growled, and used his paul to gice me kick like punches in my chest, and then ran off. When I told his owner of the dogs' strange behavior a half hour later, he was stymied. But I followed him and as we came near to his dog, the dog knew it had done something, and would not come to his master, nor follow commands, and this is a friendly and obedient dog. All I am going to say here is, motherfuckers, I am totally onto what U R doing to me, and the human race in general, and I will fight U pricks until U manage to suck 5 quarts of my blood out of my puny pathetic whittle ugly body. Bring it on hammermoms, bring it on, as my letters to the feds R in the friggin' mail, and ever though I know that I'll get no where, I also am well aware of the fact that U dirtholes hate this type of exposure. Eat me, Doctor Steckle!!!!!!

Christianity, in all that it preaches and believes, is textbook psychotic. Because it is accepted by many, and was around long before psychiatry was, it is ok. But let me come along, and the book kills me before I can even get started. It would matter none if I raised everyone up from a cemetery this afternoon. Remember the Charmed Cleaners Effect, that I will refer for short in future blogs, to, the [CCE], not the C&E post from 1988 where I was guarding and messed with the [don't come down 2 your shoes] jerk-offs!!!!! More about the 3 and 9 Life Cycle reality that few know and understand.July 12 of 1970, let us keep adding exactly 9 years to this. Donna Summer made a deal with Sarh-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle on 7/12/79. On 7/12/88, someone sabotaged my auto, and when I drove out of the golden Nugget Casino, it broke literally in half, the real axle had ben messed with, and I
ended up in the bay, and charged with points on my license and insurance, costing me thousands in increased premiums and thousands to purchase another piecashitter/clunker. Then a huge interaction occurred when I went to bed in my Somerdale,New Jersey home on the night or early morning around 2 AM of 7/12/97, and Paula King was in it, but I never did more than surface scratch this dream, just told u about how she fingered chucked a large cigar, but where the Pittsburgh Hotel and Erin Bar stand here in this world, there is a NJ State Police station, there. They arrested me after I saw Paula do this, even when I said to them that she did it. They put me in Frank Cakllio's squad car, and drove me onto huge astral plane highways, 80 lanes in each opposing direction, and into a place in Dogtown, that I am too scared to tell much of it 2 u. It was more horrible than anything speakable, as u could be cut into thousands of pieces, but remain alive with each piece throbbing and
bleeding and messed up, yet you are there and aware, and there is so much more hell, the Paddlebox Prison System, where you are put into a huge pinball machine and become like a body shaped pinball, bouncing and gingling and being hit by giant flippers made of jagged edged cut glass, blood everywhere, but it goes on for what seems 40 earth years, you never can die out and away from it, the worst of all of it is theweed cutting yards, as it is 130 degrees with a sky filled with 20 suns blarring down on you and frying you like nothing U could ever
fathom, unless U remember being in this hell. You're given these 70 pound huge sheers, and placed in 3000 acre fields of thick 3 foot high weeds, that you must cut down in one dogtown day, a period of about 50 of our earth revolution days here in human-life realms. Then of course 9 years later from this hellish hell on 7/12/96, or 36 years, or 4 life-9-cycles, as some statisticians refer to this as, comes 7/12/2006, when the 2 dudes were kidnapped in the middle east, and they R playing this way down, right down to their fixed and controlled Wall Street. It is only flying up because they're literally friggin torturing and tormenting my life to unfathomable extremes, and on top of that, I just replaced my broken car stereo with another one not 2 weeks ago, and kafrikinbang, they busted the bitch again, same exact shit, tape won't go into the mechanism, so sue me, I love the old days, and I love my cassette tapes, screw all this digital crap, cell phones, people talking to themselves or so it appears in grocery stores, palm pilots, digital audio/video junk, all unnatural, and it breaks more than the analog stuff, as it is way more sensitive to what the enemy is able to do to it. Now I gotta go back to the store and waste a day getting a replacement, and U R asking me why their dirt bag stock market goes up in three digits for 2 back to back weeks, and is climbing to the moon? All has to do with the parallel event of torturing poor whittle friggin' pathetic me. How can U seriously rationalize a raising market during a major middle-eastern crises? U cannot, U know it, U know I'm right in all my claims if U've been following my life on MB, and U may on varying levels of conscious mind, attempt to play games about it, how can I not B speaking the total absolute truth, and only the damn truth? Crissake, I mention the Hammonton ice cream Parlor, it's gone along with Turnersville Pathmark where my mom and I were terroristically threatened just 2 weeks after my Sarah's 100th birthday. I welcomed my phase-4 Viqueen to the world, and no more super-ex girlfriends, all promotions stop, boom on a dime. Do I really have to convince U? U either won't listen and believe, because U don't want 2, or U R a believer by now, and I love you brother/sister, and true Morian.

Yes, my blog is long today, and I have not started to elucidate the injustices being done to me, day after day, all my fickin' life!!!! 3 people tried to save my life in the seventies, and get me away and safe from the Lamists, but they followed me to Newton Creek in West Collingswood, NJ, an old haunt of the late Mister Horrowits, uugee, short for Eugene, the great Michae; Landon the actor, as most of U non locals to that area, know him by. 1 Helluva cool dude. Anyway, Bob Pincus, Albert Soifer, and Zigmund Malyska, all in the summertime anyway, from AC,NJ, running or managing establishments, motels, soda shops, or in the case of my real good buddy, Ziggy, the out there and having' a good time in sun and surf. Ziggy found out that they were planning to make me a Lamist, and warned me to go home, as he one day in late June of 1970, kept repeating this phrase over and over again, [go home, go home, go home[, and just would not tell me more, but the friggin' expression on his face, did all the rest of the talking for him. All 3 of these peolple said it 2 me, Pinky did not believe me at first, and Thomas J-Fag Reale, warned me that if I told about shit, nobody would believe me, but he was not counting on Ziggy. Al Soifer was friends with lots of the Vi-queens, even caught him romantically kissing lots of them, and their friends, friends of his own friggin' daugther Nena Soifer, for crissake, but he loved, as the Donald does, all the trashy young stuff. He acted filthy, kissing them publically in the lobby of the hotel. Many a klate afternoon when I'd walk by on the South side of Tennessee Avenue, I'd look accross at Mister Liplocks. Revolting. Anyway, his son presently is in charge of the Ocean City, New Jerset Recreational Department, and knows little or any of the stuff that went on back then, as most boys have their own friends and piers and social life, but he did know the Callio gang of beauties, just as I know that Chester Perkowski, mentioned on prior blogs, also knew of the, although he veheminantly denies this to me. An error I discovered on the blog mentioning the letter I received from Chester, it was not secretary of defence, I meant to say the present time then Secretary of State, MacNamarra, and I spelled his name way off, and still may not B spelling it right, but it is pronounceable at least with this spelling. So maybe the cooking channel is serving up better food for your body today, but hopefully, using a human expression, I"m serving up better food 4 your isness of being, [SOUL]. Now 4 some of the reasons for my most recent HELLDEATHSIEGES:

I would have forever forgotten a dream I had, by your way of seeing things, but did not. It was not meant for me 2 forget this recent dream that occurred late last week, Thursday night last I believe. Some one was thanking me for some lovely flowers that I had sent to them, a
lady, a record company executive in the A&R Department, the dudes and dudesses that listen to new talent. She went onto bring a huge man named Lou, 7 feet tall, into the room, and they were telling me how fantastic a song I wrote in the year 2000, was. They just :had to
have it, it was gonna B a huge hit, we'd all make tens of megabucks, and on et el and etcetera" I know now the song from the way they described it in the dream, even though I cannot actually pull up in my waking mind, them referring to the song by its name. Even know who they would B in the waking world, as U think of this as. But without some half
drunk nincompoop calling up a request line at a local oldies radio station, and requesting that great oldie by Leslie Gore, called, "You Don't Own Me", and my somehow just turning the radio on and hearing it, as the song has some similar chord changes in it that directly
triggered memory of the forgotten dream, the dream to me here in this life, would have been forever lost, and some really big shit that Otammskum & Milituforce does not want me into, would never have had even a snowball's Hell-chance, to have occurred. I will try now to continue, and remember, as much as I can, took a fucking hack again, even though I am on the floppy, someone blocked the warning that 5 minutes were left on the library computer, next thing I knew, boom, blank screen and shit gone. U can really C that just as I told U on prior blogs, the milituforce uses a motive program, and does what is must to keep me away from doing, even talking about MUSIC, it is a super no-no, me and music. They almost screwed me out of my dream, now they screw me out of a couple of very important blog paragraphs, that I'll do my best to reconstruct. One thing I must tell U is that these bastards PUNISH. Do what they don't want, G E T P U N I S H E D. It does not matter what good 4ces influenced the song to get played, or me to turn to that station at work at that time, it happened, and my interaction was restored. 2 hours later, as my car stereo is the old AM/FM/Cassette type, as I play cassettes, boombingbang, and nightnurse, the tape player in the car breaks, after just getting it put in about 2 weeks
ago. Brand new in the box, at a large known department store. No reason for this to have occurred. Too late pricks, as I remember the lady thanking me for sending her flowers, and called in a man named Lou to join us in a room, he was 7 feet tall and thin, a dude you c once and do not forget. They were raving about the song, insisting I sign up with their recording label, and although the song never was mentioned by name, I know by the way they described the why's in A&R lingo, of what would make it a huge hit recording, and know which of the many songs that I"ve written since I was a pre-teen boy, song that indeed these 2
record executives were referring 2. Speaking of direct hacks, ettosian attacks, typos, and the sort, I meant to say an ettosian BRAIN attack, not a Brian attack, back about a dozen chapters or so in Blogianity. Me getting involved musically is a no-no, and they won't permit it, they honest to the gods would end the world, rather than allow me to get a
musical career, but they're in 4 one helluva friggin' fight, as I know how 2 reach both these people in daily life, I KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND WHERE THEY ARE, and I know the right person to go 2 in order 2 get 2 them, and will B implementing my plan when this friggin' heat wave ever breaks. I cannot totally despise heat, as it does tend to bring my lovely lightning around me, and on her number last month, the 27th of July, 27 is a number that is very pertanent to electrons, but she personally informed me in 1984, in a super vivid dream/interaction, that indeed, this is my number, 27, and she showed it to me with a huge red plasma lightning bolt, U do not forget stuff like this. Back to music, many of my songs are unknown on the human realm, written by both me and others, and in some cases co-written by astral entities along with me. I know that 2 most people, this all sounds as totally wacked as wack can get, but that is because you have never been shot and drowned and smashed
to shit in car crashes, and don't die, godsdamn U all, this hell is real and forever, it never will stop. If U won't believe me, then don't, I cannot force the issue, but I know what I know, I have been there/done that, and simply put, by the way U think on your level, you have not, so U won't believe the terrible eternal plight that I find myself in. As for my getting ding-dong hammered after remembering my dream as I'd call it, then the broken stereo, then the huge next day attack in the air, they also blew out my bowells and body in general, kem siege, all types of air siege, even got an otherwise normally friendly dog to attack me, and later he ran away from his owner, as it knew something on some level was wrong. I could go into even worse and more horrific nightmarish details on who and what and all of the juicy stuff, but it is not my intent for the blog at this time. There are places in Dogtown where gods are resting up, only to walk out of the Paddlebox Prison and enter our
worldly life in ways more scarey than any of your movies, and I'. keeping up with what goes down in Hollywood. Getting close to shit that's happening with me with your August thriller computer movie, but U still do not grasp the real Y's to the goings on of these pukeswallowing regirgatators. All of everything is but a game to distract us in all forms and on all realms from remembering and knowing that there is never ever any oblivion, we endlessly go on in everlasting existing hell. Just cause the great DJT of NY & AC, NJ, can manage to take a short tiny whittle vacation from his true hell, in big picture, he endlessly suffers with what we all do, and believe poor whittle Hell's Messenger, or not, it is the truth, so help me SSJKK.

7 dimensions endlessly are relative and in a relationship with the one true and real zero-dimensional void infinity. There is a less than nothing to a nothing force that makes lawtrons, and this force is not what I am here today 2 talk to U about, another time and place Donna, OK, Mr. King. Try to C the nightmare of endless dots on a huge wheel and then a room of these endless wheels on a new dot, and the zero dimension and less than zero or [uncreation], works together creating lawtrons, that create thought [6-D] dimensional existance at infinity, and this thought or sixth dimension from our 3-d world reference, then creates many many multiverses. Entities travel in and out of many things, but cannot control the 6th dimension, as this is the energy of the lawtrons, and lawtron energy is more in a tiny area of a rug in a single room, looking at this humanly, than every bit of any created/downlined realms of any form or types of existence. This universe and all of its gogalplexes of parallel 5th dimensional hyperspacial realities, is all leess than in total energy and physical size, than the very smallest particle or wave of any type or form could ever be, coming from an upline world that created it and them, and this why the system operates as it does, and Y there is only one real void infinity, but many of all of the 7 possible dimensions.

I could go on forever, but time says, screw U buddy, you godda get oudahere, so in closing, just know that I still have npt slightly scratched peachfuzz off the great iceberg that sent the Titanic to the Kanwal Avenue Palace, belonging to the great Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge
Krassle. The friend who gave me the Masonic family lineage chart that proves who I am and that Jeasus was a half brother to me 62 generations ago, U know that I will swear in any court that he was murdered by a total jagoff named Jonathin Schau, slowly poisoned him to his death, after lodge meetings, when they'd go to eat out at a diner. Another person David Charles Roth hung with years backin the mid and late 1960's, was a systems anaylist named Wilbur McAfee, if I am spelling his name correctly, there is a huge story to tell u-all about all of this, and yes, this is the now famous computer software virus protection writer. They would go with other dudes down to the island LBI, in NJ, where my gramps had his boys camp before the second world war. Much much 2 tell, so stay tuned.