Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Chapter 38, Is Anybody Out There ?

Good morning my Morians, I am sitting here at the laundromat while my good friend, Ed, my computer genius, is here doing his laundry, and I am writing this blog on his laptop. I now know why they call these devices, [laptops], as the system is sitting here on my wittle-lap. I want again, to sincerely thank my good buddy, Ed, for taking the time and attention to render all of his assistance to my project, 1 helluva nice guy. But now, we come to an important crossroads, my Morians. I am beginning to feel that all of my efforts in writing the MORIANITY BIBLE, and all his efforts to properly produce and re-do it, may be in vane, and hence to wit and airgo, this may be the final chapter of the book. I have tons and tons of major things to tell to all of u out there, but if nobody out there is listening, and the majority is only seemingly interested in things of a sexual nature, and not concerned with a very important story that may end up saving the entire human race, and your own family someday, well I have the strength of a tiny child, and am by no means, an 'arm twister', as I'd get mine twisted off before I could holler out 'jackrobinsquat'. U' all r making a huge error, in ignoring someone, who by your way of looking at things, has died, and come back to tell what it is really all about, and how I am now suffering throughout endless and infinite hell itself. In the interaction where I spent 5 months, all in one night, on the night of 8/15/'86, in a parallel universe in another AC NJ, with the great Donna Summer, the former at the time president of the USA, Jimmy Carter, was there, and it was ten years earlier there, 1976, and he was president, even though it wasn't until January of 1977 that he really started the job here. I said to him, and remember the exact words of the dialogue between us, "I'm dead Mr. President". He then replied to me, "I know". U do not forget this kind of a major {dream}, believe me buddy boy and buster brown. Since this may be the last chapter in the book, unless I feel that some interest starts getting generated in MORIANITY BIBLE soon, I'll go on now to tell u just a few more strange occurrences that I have had, but first I do feel the extreme need to clear up a point or two, that I've tried to strongly make regarding the gods, the LAMIST cult, and how AC NJ, fits so perfectly into the whole the entire grand scheme of it all. First, this cult is the true ownership and controllers of two bodies, one being the CHURCH OF SATAN out on the west coast, established in when else, good old 1969, as well as the BLACK BROTHERHOOD, not in any way directly connected with the prison-gang, although some of the yard-birds may claim, that they indeed r a part of them. Psychics and mystics travel on circles, some anyway, on both physical, and astral planes or realms, and they are the true [brotherhood]. Just as people claim in witchcraft that there r white and black witches, there also is a white and black brotherhood of the mystic world. However, and many disagree with me, and that is just fine, there is a real evil section, made up of varying cults and orders, that would be definitely labeled as black, in the brotherhood--or evil. White and black stand for good and bad, and have nothing whatsoever to do with skin tones. Talk about Irony Avenue, and parking on driveways and driving on freeways; and ettosian detours to the freeway and humor street intersection, the idea of calling people white and black is also a reverse truth. The absence of all color is blackness, no color, yet they call black people,the ones of 'color. Concentrically, white is the opposite of this absence of any color, as it is all colors in the full spectrum, all mixed and merged together so y r the white dudes and dudesses not the colored people, white exists as all color blended together, the freeway/parkway logic, does strike again, does it not.
One night, while working a security officer position in Pennsauken, NJ, USA, I was getting dressed to drive into work for my shift. My mother had recently sewn a hem on my uniform guards' pants, while we at the time were renting a home together in early '89, in Moorestown, NJ, not far from Mitch Williams house, a few years before he threw that gods-awful game-losing pitch, that gave the world series win to Toronto in '93, and by the way, I made a prior-blog error when I said the 1992 game, the last season the phillies were hot was'93. Anyway, I told my mom that she sewed the hem up to high, and the uniform pants do not go down properly to my shoes. She said she would take it down the next day, and off I went to my post at C&E. Minding my own business, and walking my security rounds, in an area outside the building in a part of the parking lot where there was a short in the system that told the lights to go on at night, and without my flashlight, it was devil-dark out there. In comes a car, playing a loud tape of Donna Summer on their car stereo system, and they turned it down, came up to me, and there head lamps on their vehicle were not facing me, but perpendicular. Hence, and my point to all this will soon become quite obvious, they could not tell in a million years, that my uniform pants were hemmed up 2 inches to high, just way too dark, plus, y would they even give a rotten hoot in blazes anyway? Yet one of these CIA/BFA dudes hollered out to me, "hey man, your pants don't come all the way down to your shoes". This is the black file agency/lamist skum's sick and twisted system for letting me absolutely know, that there is no privacy in my own home, and that what I had quietly spoken to my mother in my own place not an hour ago, was illegally listened to by these pure sick filth-balls, and to add cheese to the cream cake, they were gonna let me know that they could and dit, and what was I gonna do about it? Literally, between the time that I came out of that dream/interaction with Donna and president Jimmy, right up to this present date, there are more than 1000 stories, all totally true that I could tell u-all, but if you'd all rather just do other things, and not have any interest in the wildest true story in thousands of earth years, well the, that's on all of U. If I should ever c that people are hitting on my blog, and have an interest, I could literally tell so many wild things, it just cannot be fathomed, none of will ever know what you have missed. Well, like most great opportunities, they get unanswered know matter how loudly they knock. As I speak, a fleet of military skum is flying very loud aircraft directly over my position here at this laundromat.
As 2 my adult-life return to AC to the beaches, all that occurred, where would I begin? I used to body surf with the present day mayor of the city. I asked him about Sarah, as I knew that he and Sarah Callio Martino were good friends. He smirked at me, and refused to answer any of my questions. Both he, and many of the guards treated me wickedly, and once, I truly believe that if I had not looked up in the nick of time, the future mayor of Atlantic City, would have drowned me. I was just swimming along and he came tearing out right at me, saying to me when by pure chance, I stopped swimming at that point and looked up at him charging out almost in my face at that second, "I saw something out there swimming, and was wondering what it was". Well, maybe so and whatever, first off, all these dudes have strong binoculars, and he knew darn well I was no large fish, but 2ndly, if I were, what large unknown fish would any of u start swimming out after, with no spear-gun. Not buying into any of this, as I feel that Sarah said to him that if I was asking questions about her, take care of it, you know, 'wise guy talk'. Anyway, La mists/Leviathans, owners of Wall Street, the fortune 50 to some degree, and masters of many of the black arts, and creators of the KEMTRAILS, are not the true owners of the worlds, even though they will tell a different story. Sarah-Stacey owns this, and it is all her thought, that we are all in and part of, when she, upline, thought of her days as a young girl, there in her world. How exactly this human form out part of her, got to this point, this is all a huge and mind bending story, that if people of the human race ever display an interest in learning more of all of this, then I'll gladly tell. What I will not do, is continue to waste my time. I am on my space.Com, hyperlinked with the word 'antilamist' and I am on this blogger spot, and no one cares nor seems interested in what I have to say, so I will just move on now to try other means of telling the world how this deadly bunch skum have and still are currently making my life a LIVING INFINITE HELL!!!!!!!!!!


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