Monday, July 03, 2006

Chapter 28 Full Evil, Full Evil Rotten Empire

Starting at just past 8 last night, I suffered through a major freaking milituforce chopper siege, directly over my residence, shaking the place like an earthquake, and not to mention vio;ating a united states citizens legal civil human and constitutional rights. Some piece of military shit is flying crash level over the library as I type, and 2 workers at the library heard it loud and clear, and one said, he knows why I'm here blogging today, HE KNOWS, what's going on against me by these evil wicket blackbrotherhood leviathin skumbag bunt tappers. Well, they have been warned, time now for some wicked awful storms, fires, floods, droughts, quakes, volcanoes, and tital waves, the controlled enemy agendaized media won't let u c all my strikes, but they will know soon that they have gone too far with me. Atlantic City is headquarters to this entire world situation, not isreal, or any other thing you may believe. Aztecs and other strangly mingled and breeded tribes with outerworldly interdimensionalites, were in the SOUTH of this american continent, and biblical mentions of the end times and all the hell and unnatural crap involved with them, talk loudly about the lands from the NORTH. Well, u can argue all u want that in bible days that would be russia or lands in the north of european and aisian continents, and you are right on all accounts that deal with biblical times. Are we not discussing latter and END TIMES, mhy friends and morians? Now is closer or maybe at these times, so why would the eastern/northlands be what it is all about as this world gets ready to fall into disarray and catastophic hellfire? Y would it not be the western worlds northlands, GOOD OL' FRIKI AMERICA, as this is the land to the north, as in the reference to these aztec and other earthly pleadianic physical plane cultures? Mr. Gates, the great zero/one whiz, has a city name, RONQUALIMMERISS ELDEFENTONAZO OWAMVIUS, AND LIVES HERE ON OUR WORLD NOW. hE DID WHAT HE NEEDED TO DO, AND NOW i MUST EXPOSE THIS TRUE EVIL AROUND ME UNTIL i AM FINALLY BELIEVED. I shout a lot about these things, forgive my lack of net courtesy, but the stuff that u all must know, NEEDS TO BE TREETOP-SHOUTED. Notice how my siege last night, caused my phillies a major shut out, and another starting string of rockchucking losses? MARKET UP UP UP UP UP. AND PHILLIES LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, and this won't quit until somebody with clout, first believes the full power and motive, behind all this sick twisted evil that is plotted against me, and sees all the why's behind it, and then goes on willingly and diligently to help me learn exactly who on the earthworld is doing this to me, who the frikin bosses r, and how the entire power infrastructure of the BLACKBROTHERHOOD-LEVIATHINS operates. The sourse is ACNJ, and always will be, it also always has, it is why east-jersey indians believe in their great spirit, when the great sarah came to them through the main triangulation stationary white/black connection hole, on the top floor of the building, in a secret room built into a secret panel in the rear hallway that led to the room of SARAH J. KARGE herself. When I am not under the siege that started on or about 26 April at the Chesilhurst NJ Citgo gasoline station, as mentioned in several prior blogs, a simple 4/3 system kicks heavy ass in roulette games at any wheel. I keep track of all 3 parts to the 36 non-green numbers, example, #30, RED/EVEN/HIGH, 'high is 19-36, and low is 1-18', for those that do not play this game. As soon as any of these alternates 3 times, I play the 4th continueing alternate outcome, and if it loses I then chase it with the same bet, in a mini-martingale of 1,2,4 units, win or lose, stop and go back fo 1 init play. So if I see 27red, 35black, 3red, I will now place one chip or unit of bankroll on black, to continue the alternation-pattern, R/B/R/---B. When I am under all this death siege, I lose almost all the time, but when I am not, sure I lose my 7 units here and there, but I make 10 for every 7 I lose, aboce and beyond my house losses on green. Parallel event does not work any better or worse, nothing wins for you once u r in this nightmare. If I'm making this up, explain how I won all through most of 1986, until MILITUFORCE 86'd my whole freggin life, by wiping out my magnetic interaction with cosmos, through constant continuous covert siege and harassement. I couldnt win dime one at any game of chance any more. I can stand betting odds 5/6 on my side and lose almost every time, and the more u lose on bets that are high odds on your side, the more and quicker you will lose greater amounts of your play bankroll. Paula king let some more air out of my tire, just one this time, it may be happening right here at this library. U R B'ing watched big girl. You may b a giant powerful beauty queen, but you are not super girl sarah, if the constaples on patrol catch u, I'll prosecute, and you will make restitution, and I know you're loaded. Until I get some loyal morians that sit behind their computer a lousy half hour a day, 3 or 4 days weekly, and join a few chat rooms, and every legal time script in a plug for the MORIANITY BIBLE AND MY BLOGGER ADDRESS, don"t expect anything to ever change with the fills. They'll just lose, lose, lose, forever and endlessly, till society evolves beyond all this sports olympian level, and this will never b, as the gods inside our deeper consciousness, knows that only the distraction of games and challenges, and power struggles, and contests, will ever suffice, to keep our awareness to NON-OBLIVION, at an acceptable distance to maintain sanity and rationality. I know what many are arguing with me, u want oblivion pal, none of us do. Well, guess what I say to that? B U L L S U G A R. I know for sure that we only desire this, and in our true reality and existance, we crave no having to exist, so very much, that we would literally anihillate and totally obliterate the entire multiverse, the thoughtwave 6th dimension, and all the seventh dimensional lawtrons too, if only we could!!!!!!!!! Sarah, your no good rotten husband is a cheat, but all we men r according to all u women. I never ever would think of doing anything like that. If I'm with someone, even like Helen Zebriski, the girl I was with that night at the BLUE PARROT CLUB in 1999, I never so much as looked at any other girls, as I was brought up to be a gentleman, and do not care what the rest of this rotten dirty world does, nor thinks. She would flirt all around, but I never did. I was brought up the old way, the good way, back when america was indeed a country that I was proud to be a citizen of. Anyway, big S, your hubby was all over Helen, just thought u should know that he is just like your womanizing brother, and your friend, the mayor, WOMANIZING TRASH. I did not so much as look at his sister, your sister in law, even though I would have sold my soul to the devil to have her, super tall, long dark hair, and big gorgeous eyes. The following summer, the day of the great ATLANTIC storm, I finished up my beach day, the prick lifeguards kicked me out of the sea, as I was not a board surfer, and when I drove out of Resorts highrise parking garage, there u and hubby were, in your white link, we were both stopped at the Pacific Avenue light, I went straight to the west, and you guys turned right to head downtown towards the south. U drove that same car, only it was a bit smaller, into the warehouse I work in, or did last december before I died of a fatal heart attack. After I died, I walked out of my car and looked back and saw me inside it, dead of course, and you had just recently driven into the warehouse. I also know about your other warehouse in your aunt's electric company down on the ACNJ north shore, with the smart-opener, did bill gates design that 4 u guys? Frank drove in with his squad car, with coffee and donuts, and vicci who always loved my'gorgeous hair' back in 1970, not 1790 benny, my hair was almost gone then. You were telling me that it was warmer on the side of the warehouse that was to the west, and the sliding door was not fixed, it moved, and an invisible ray of pure energy was keeping the cooler air over in the other area, that u were gonna sit in your car and wait for some friends, who later arrived, and had a radio in their car playing, and I heard how the incredible flyers had been eliminated from the playoffs the previous night, this was now months in the future, and no longer early 12/2K5, but late in May of '6. We were all talking, and then I found myself in the chelsea heights,NJ area, where your brother frank met me, and he told me to send flowers to some record exec, if I wanted her to listen to a tape of some music that I had written. Sure wish u would tell me in this world, about this music big S. Now for my moms dads L>B>I>, NJ property. It was called CAMP MICQUON, if I AM SPELLING IT RIGHT, NOT REAL GREAT AT SPELLING INDIAN NAMES, BUT EARLY IN THE 20TH CENTURY, ALL THE BIG SHOTS SENT THEIR KIDS TO MY GRANDPOPS CAMP, ONE OF MANY FAMOUS FAMILIES WAS THE ARCHITECT OF THE NEW YORK LINCOLN TUNNEL, THE HEAD ARCHITECT ON THE PROJECT. We knew the simpson kids, the people who owned the famous HOCKSHOP, where the CURSED HOPE DIAMOND was in for a while, but atomic duplications of some of its negative kerlian energy, were made, and sent into certain links in a chain that was [placed in a wooden crate off long beach island late one night, and ended up eventually sinking off the shores of New Orleans, in the great gulf waters, close to one of my fathers spanish treasure galleon sites. 3 psychics of independently informed me that sarah and my father know each other well on astral plane, and even knew each other here, her parents, the comic store owners, Mr. and Mrs. Callio, originally their family from Carlisle, PA, the one truth told to me, as all else was lies, big fat lies, by the CAMDEN COUNRTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE. Why sarah wants this property, and y one of her gangfriend's mother was writing a fictional book about events that were and r real in the future, and many other wild crap from the 69's that occured, all remains an eternal mystery for me to this day, but I do indeed know secrets. In the brewster projects of the michigan motortown, a 13 year lod afro/amer cutie pie named dian ross, got pregnant bysomeone long before strawberry G stuck his fat throbber intro her, and this little kid was raised for nearly 2 years by mama and her. After she did make it big, and had the a after her name, not on the hospital bith records, she told the struggling group that went ontl become the jackson 5, but was 4 then, that if you would take little mikey off my hands, I'll see My G welcomes your group to the label. This is y the poor little bastard looks like her, and is drawn to her, and so screwed up for crissake. As lightning, she told her little boy- me, all about this, and also told me the horrific crime that sarah in her human formout, got away with since her brother wears the blue badge. Doesn't go like on law-and-order, where poor briscoe's daughter, got screwed, and later murdered. U know well, or r related to the blues, well, the blues won't be the music you are singin, dig?????????????


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