Monday, July 03, 2006

Chapter 25 Wednesday Again/Hackers Day Again missing

Well, here we go again, usually I can get on this site, but now again, 2 WEDNESDAY'S in a row, H A C K E R S, or else if it is not, I sure do not grasp why page wont come up, and I cannot blog, every Wednesday this happens, another cooincidence Mister deeaa? Let me try to tell u the story of my last day on the beach, or anything about the LAMIST CULT, and their famous many evil ays of hurting and harassing targeted people, FLASHMOBS, AND FLASHCRASH COMP PROGRAMS, being 2 of their favorite sick twisted games, and if it is a Wednesday, I GET ASSALTED. I was saying that when I was bodysurfing, the lady on the beach with the little rugrat, obviously must have slipped a note into my pants pocket, it was not there before I came to the shore and parked at RESORTS HIGH RISE LOT. They wanted me to join their evil club as a boy in his early teens, as I was a latch key kid, my father away most times hunting for treasure, leaving my poor mom to 'work so hard for the DS noney', always busy workinmg at her office, and leaving me with lots of freedom to get on buses and go places myself at an earlier than usual age, but I was trustable for a 60's kid. I had no romantic interests, and no interests in drugs. Did not drink nor smoke, or do anything bad, never lied, my biggest vice was or vices as I'll admit to two of them, as I was just going to say I had a very fowl mouth that led to lots of punches and pain, and I was extremely antisocial. Those that knew me said that I felt I was better than other kids, but I have always been a misunderstood person, the gods know, I am very used to this by now, Mr. Hackensack-Joel. Anywho ladies and gentlemen of MORIANITY, someome flattened all of my tires on my only car last Thursday, when I was trying to blog, as I could not get on the page as I just stated, on the day before. Notcut babyluv, AIR WAS LET OUT, AND I AM FILING A POLICE REPORT TODAY FOR ALL THE FRIKIN GOOD THAT EVER DOES, STILL IT IS ALL THE RECOURSE I HAVE, don't make me laugh jack mccoy, always telling victims of their many numerous options when they are victimized, what a lota bullsmells. Ever try getting a newspaper to print your story, when you are me, I don't mean the wierd stuff, just crimes against me. I will never get past day one of any jury duty, even if I get to vyadere or however they spell it, once the DA falls in love with me for being the victim of literally dozens of crimes, THREATS, ATTEMPTED MURDER, ROBBERY SEXUAL ASSAULT, CONSPERACY, HARASEMENT, PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND IT GOES ON, BELIEVE ME, ANYWAY; THE DEFENSE ATTORNEY WILL THROW ME OFF THE JURY BEFORE I BEGIN TO START TO TELL WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO ME, and it is all backed up with police and prosecutors office statements and reports. I do not mind jury duty, could even meet some interesting people on a jury, a buddy of min did, but as I said, forget getting past the Q&A phase of the defense lawyer. What lawyer would want a juror that has been this friggin victimized? Case could be thrown out on a good appeal after a guilty verdict, should the client eing efended, learn that a juror on panel was me, my attitude is blatently simple, YOU'RE IN COURT, YOU'RE GUILTY. So back to ACNJ and july 29, 30, or 31, of 2K3, my last day ever of swimming at any new jersey beach:The note was a sort of a confession that evil shitheads were trying to get me into this [dark shadows leviathin] club, called in reality, the LAMISTS. If I passed the tests, endured the torture, and was willing to be shite-slave-farmed-out, to skummy wealthy politicians, and hi-profile big-business sickos, then I would go on to graduate as a recruiter or second stage in this evil cult, and finally the 3rd stage, is being one of the CONTROLLERS, under regional area cult-managers, that they actually for short called [CM's]. I personally knoqw, that the mayors own cousin twice removed who went to 5th, 6th, and 7th grade with me in the westmont new jersey area, was captured by [stage 2 recruiters in the LAMISTS cult, her name was KAREN LEVY, one of the most famous GONE-MISSING STORIES, OF THE BABY-BOOMER GENERATION, and we were good friends, she was 1 hell of a nice girl, and did not deserve to be cut and hurt and molested and killed, and found behind a wall, in the new york city subway system, where she was eventually located by the famous psychic that was helping one pee pee, at the time, to locate this poor innocent missing person. This is all real, it happened, I do not make shit up babyluv!!!!!!!! X-Mayor Wh from 2 administrations back was a major LAMIST, ALL THE WHITE MAYORS ARE, the hotshots with power like steve L, were all in on helking to cover it up one day when he was caught fondling a child, it made the news, but got rug-swept, and we were all told the charges against this dooshwod were unsubstantiated. In 1996, a giant beautiful brunet rang my doorbell, while I resided at the highview apartments, and I would not answer, as at the time I did not know it was that evil friend of sarah callio, the LAMIST, PAULA KING, friend of Rob McGuire, owner of the pittsburgh hotel & erin bar on Tennessee Avenue, ACNJ. What she wanted, the gods only know, but she is way over 6 feet high, and looks like a girl that spends 30 hours a week in the island gym, she could pick me up and snap my brittle old bones in half before I could scream out JACKROBINSQUAT!!!!!!!She is the one that flattens my auto tires, and causes lots of other property damage, and don't think for a minut that jiteater trumpie ain't involved, he is a very high ordered LAMIST, a real SKYLER RUMPSON in appololucifer's organization, and bleesed to the highstars. Whenever I have an important place to go , or something major to do, they bring FLASHMOBS to me, and they can fuku up big time, it is way beyond just being an annoyance, it is dangerous, and once they shot me dead at a wawa. U cannot know what it feels like to die and come back, and never stay at peace. U DO NOT WANT TO CRAWL INTO MY GODSDAMN HELL. Someday soon, I will much better and more clearly, tie in all of this, the interactions/MAJOR DREAM EXPERIENCES THAT LAMISTS HAVE POWER TO USE ON PEOPLE, my working at RPL, the sound studio in camden, NJ, and all about the triangle of constructed wormholes, with the controlling[STARGATE], in the boliver hotel in acnj. All this happened 15-25 years before their rip off STARGATE shit in hollywood ever came to be. They took it from a fictional book that I sent to the copyright office on halloween day, intentionally, in 1994. They also stole from this book, and got the tv show, they r blocking it now with ettos power, the 1995 dsu or whatwever that show was called, the underwater base, oh yea DSV, ettos is killing my memory of the first name before the DSV. Also soon angles do not burn skin, SUN angles do, and that is y I do not ever hit a beach between about 10 and 3, as I stated in that prior blog. Internal combustion was another mind control deal, I knew better, it is SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION, that resulted from the overpowering of the controlling lamist stargate, and ended up frying the BOLIVER. WELL, looks like all this INTENTIONALLY CREATED PARALLEL EVENT, OR [ICPE-TEK], being used against me is, as always, working like an ARRON SPELLING CHARM. MARKET U P, U P, U P, AND PHILLIES LOSE, L O S E, L O S E. iT'S BEEN GOING ON AGAINST ME FOR LOSE TO 21 UCKING YEARS NOW, and I ought to know what is real, and what is immagined, after this amount of time. They made another friend of mine vanish without a TNT trace about a year ago, not as good a pal as Dave, but a dude who understood my personal delema, and that I could seriously discuss my troubles with, without white coats, rubber rooms, and therazine drips, to worry about, the whole world is sick and i am not, and in a total nutshell, THAT IS NY GIAGANTIC PROBLEM. Even in small ways, how many times have any of u been victimized by ETTOS [ELECTRONIC THOUGHT TRANSMISSION AND OMMISSION SYSTEM], AND REMEMBER, IT IS THOUGHTS, MEMORIES, AND EMOTIONS, ALL BASIC MENTAL FUNCTIONS CLOSE TO OR AT THE LEVEL OF SURFACE CONSCIOUSNESS????? eVER GET OVERLY TONGUETIED WHEN U ARE NOT REALLY EVEN NERVOUS, EVER GO THROUGH A DAY WHERE ALL THE LIVE tv U WATCH, from news broadcasters, to any live discussions, it seems everybody cannot talk straight? How about 6 months or so back, even happened to our wonderful mister president bush, while speachin it ine night. This is how and why I totally know, that perhaps though involved in my hellishness in small ways, he, nor any us govt is what is really doing all of this, babyluv, if they had this ultimate technology, they wouldn't be swettin russia, china, or irans nuke program, believe me I know this!!!!!!!! So if mr. bush can be influenced and made a victim of ettos, u would b retarded, not arriving at the conclussion that, and in using your words at your level in 2996, [WE HAVE LONG BEEN INVADED TOTALLY], as this race of humans that we think we are. F L A S H M O B HAVE HACKED ME, MUST TRY TO PUBLISH.


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